
Safe Sleeping Research Paper

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and development of the baby. However, sometimes a lot of problems like SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and other such mishaps can also happen. These mishaps can be avoided by practicing safe sleeping.

Sleep accidents claim thousands of tiny lives each year, hence you need to make sure that your baby has safe sleeping habits. Even in the hospital, you need to keep an eye on the way your baby is being put down to sleep. When arriving at home, a crib is the best way to make sure your baby sleep's safely. However, before you actually allow your precious darling to sleep in a crib, you need to make sure that the crib is safe.

To make sure your crib is a safe sleeping environment, first, be sure it is placed in a draft free area. Then a well-fitted cotton sheet on a firm mattress would be next. And always placing your baby on his …show more content…

This is not safe sleeping, it's just a movie. In reality, these toys can cause suffocation. Therefore, you need to keep your baby's crib free from all kinds of stuffed toys, blankets, pillows and any soft bedding.

Parents often give pacifiers to their babies. This is believed by many doctors to help reduce SIDS. The correct pacifier should be chosen for the baby's age. I personally would choose a orthodontic pacifier. These are made to decrease the odds of the baby having an overbite when they are older. Nothing should be attached to the pacifier such as ribbons or yarn. The dangers of strangling or choking on them is real.

There are times when parents may place the baby on their bed to sleep. You should not do this mainly because the baby could fall off or could roll over in the covers and suffocate. This is often done when people are visiting relatives. This is where a little planning ahead is necessary. Prepare yourself, bring along a playpen. If the playpen isn't feasible, using your car seat would

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