The saints illustrated in this glass window, represent the importance of education. The Venerable Cornelia Connelly (center) - born in Philadelphia on January 15, 1809 to April 18, 1879 - was the Foundress of the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus or the SHCJ and is honored here in her role as an educator. In 1846, she and three companions traveled to Derby, England to create the SHCJ which focused primarily on the education of the poor. There were organized classes seven days a week both day and night for the children who worked in factories and poor women ; sundays were for religious instruction. After her unfortunate death in 1879, the SHCJ continued to find schools - one of which being the esteemed Rosemont College. Cornelia’s window shows her instructing a young girl, while the predella features an image of the motherhouse in Rome, a testament to the order she founded. The following saints were selected for their impact on the Mother Foundress as well as their contributions to the catholic faith. Saint Gertrude the Great (left) - born in Germany on January 6, 1256 to November 17, 1302 - known for the Prayer for The Holy Souls in Purgatory was an Abbess of Benedictine monastery at Nivelles and a noted scholar and …show more content…
Following the death of her mother, Saint Teresa began to deviate from the church. In her teenage years, her primary focuses were romance novels, boys, and rebellion. Because of this, her strict father sent her to live with the Augustinian nuns of her province at the age of sixteen where the Sisters helped her to return to her religious faith. In her window, Saint Teresa holds a book and a pen, symbolic of the reforms she made to the Carmelite order, as well as her great writings. In the predella, women are pictured entering Sharon, the home in England for Sisters of the Holy Child
St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton was essential in the history of newly revolutionized America and its relationship with Rome, a relationship she solidified when she was the first person ever born in America to be canonized by the Catholic Church. Her efforts to establish religious schools in America helped shape the future of education and religion as one, instead of two different things. Although living hundreds of years ago, Seton’s legacy will live and her dedication and commitment to the church will always be vital in the shaping of America.
In the passages The Count of Monte Cristo and Blessings, the theme is discovered in different ways. They both have a great meaning and are delivered in interesting ways. The text includes details that help discover the theme. Although they give clues on the theme, they do not just say what the theme is. Therefore, you must try to figure it out from the clues.
Saint Catherine is important to Christianity, because she is credited with bringing over two-hundred soldiers and members of the emperor 's family, along with fifty pagan philosophers, to Christ. She was sentenced to die by the spiked wheel, but when she touched it, it shattered, and she was then beheaded. The life of Saint Catherine teaches us that pursuing Christ may not bring riches or earthly honors, but it will bring Heavenly riches, and she is a symbol of perseverance and good.
“The Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati is an apostolic Catholic community of women religious that exists to carry out the Gospel of Jesus Christ through service and prayer in the world” (qtd. in “About the Sisters of Charity”). The Sisters are led by their mission statement to be “[u]rged by the love of Christ and in the spirit of [their] founder, Elizabeth Ann Seton, [the] Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati strive to live Gospel values. [They] choose to act justly, to build loving relationships, to share [their] resources with those in need, and to care for all creation” (qtd. in “Mission Statement”). Through this mission, they dedicate themselves to “the education of children, care of orphans, the poor and the sick” (qtd. in “Sisters of Charity Cincinnati”). These values are exemplified in numerous ways but specifically have been shown with the creation of educational institutions, orphanages, and their selflessness during the civil war.
Katharine once said, “Christ wishes the Christian Community to be a body that is perfect because we work together towards a single end, and the higher the motive which actuates this collaboration the higher, no doubt, will be the union. Now the end in question is supremely exalted: the continuous sanctification of the Body for the glory of God and the Lamb that was slain.” (A-Z Quotes). This quote describes Katharine’s way of working towards creating her orphanages and schools with her order. Despite overcoming many difficulties in her earlier life, Saint Katharine Drexel created her own religious order, donated generously to charities, and established schools to teach the faith the others; consequently, she is one of the most dynamic missionary saints from America.
I chose St. Angela Merici. St. Angela Merici is the patron saint of the disabled and physically challenged. I chose St. Angela Merici because she saw that girls were unable to get a proper academic education or an education in the Christian faith, and she then decided to help young girls get the education they needed. Education is very important to me just like it was important to St. Angela Merici. I was inspired by the way St. Angela Merici saw the problem of improper education and fixed it. She was also dedicated to prayer which I believe is an important quality.
The story of St. Hildegard of Bingen was unique from the any of the other saints. She started her life growing up with a holy woman as a mother who died when St. Hildegard was 38, and right after became an abbess. She was the head of an abbey of nuns and lead them into the arms of Jesus. She then started a daughter convent. St. Hildegard influenced the church through her countless devotions to God through the talents of seeing visions, seeing the individual love that God had for each of his creation and because of this, she had amazing stories to tell.
Catherine of Siena was born in Italy in 1347 at a time when political and religious changes were affecting the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Dedicating her life to the Holy Spirit from a very young age, Catherine pursued a life of purity and simplicity that served as a background to her great literary work, The Dialogue of the Divine Providence . Her work focuses on the importance of prayer and its transcendent power in human life.
This lead her to follow God’s will, and become a teacher at St Mary’s school, and later become the principle of this school. At the school Mother Teresa, taught history, english and a couple of other subjects to teach the children at the schools. She loved the kids as if they were her own, and equally. Mother Teresa’s second calling was the call to care for the people in the slums of Calcutta, but to do so she needed permission from her superiors, as at this stage Mother Teresa was the principle at St Mary’s. In the following year, Mother Teresa began her work which obeyed God’s call fro her to look after the poor, sick and dying in the streets. Through many difficulties, Mother Teresa obeyed and followed the work which God led her to do, her lives work, and influenced her into making these decisions. The vow of obedience, influence Mother Teresa greatly, in following orders from superiors, and God himself. As said by Mother Teresa, “…by faith, I am catholic. As to my calling, I belong to the world…”, her calling brought her closer to the world, and the calling itself influenced the work which Mother Teresa is known of doing.
In the book, The Proslogion, written by Saint Anselm, we find the Ontological Argument. This argument made by Saint Anselm gives us proofs that he believes helps prove the existence of God. Anselm gives many reasons as to why the simple understanding of God can help prove that God himself exists, as well as mentioning how the idea of God cannot be thought not to exist. Though this argument has been looked at by people such as Guanilo, a monk, whose response to Anselm 's proofs was trying to say that there were flaws, there are more reasons as to why Anselm 's proofs work well with his argument. From the understanding of God existing, and the idea behind greatness Anselm 's argument is one that is strong and can work as a proof when trying
The name Matthew comes from the Greek Maththaios, which is derived from the Hebrew or Aramaic Mattiyah. His name means “gift of Yahweh” or simply “gift of God.” Saint Matthew was one of the twelve apostles and he wrote the Gospel according to Matthew. Although he was a publican, it is said the Saint Matthew was a Jew. Before his conversion, he was a publican, which was a tax collector, by profession. Not much is really known about Matthew later on in his life. His beginning of apostolic activity started in the communities of Palestine. He wrote for his countrymen in Palestine and composed his Gospel in his native Aramaic. This is refereed to as the “Hebrew tongue” which is mentioned in the Gospel and the Acts of
The Eve of St Agnes is a poem, along with other great odes of Keats, demonstrates his highest poetry achievements. Written in February 1819, the Eve of St Agnes shows a completely original poetry plot and the poem remains unforgettable and unique one.
St. Francis of Assisi was born in Umbria in the year 1182. He was a child every father hoped for, he was filled with life, a determined and courageous individual. He was gifted with rather good looks, qualities that attracted friends and a gift of leadership. His father was an extremely wealthy merchant in Assisi. But this son, his favourite, was the one who broke Peter Bernardone’s heart. The boy turned on his father, and in a vicious event that eventually resulted into a public scene. St. Francis of Assisi stepped away from his father, his business and left his father in a state of immense emotional suffering.
St. Clare of Assisi was born on July 16, 1194 and died on August 11, 1253. Clare lived in Assisi Italy her whole life and was one of the first followers of Saint Francis of Assisi. She was the oldest daughter of Favorino Sciffi, who was a wealthy representative of an ancient Roman family, who owned a large palace in Assisi and a castle.
Women throughout history were always looked down upon for their gender, that they were not “people” but as objects to society. This was because men were supposed to be the stronger of the two genders, also that women were there to help the men and just be submissive to everything. Because of this many women did not go to school higher than the high school level and proceed to do jobs that were not the greatest. But Sister Berenice Beck showed otherwise to the statement above. She became the first women to earn a PhD in Nursing, become a Dean of the Nursing Program at Marquette University, and funded many nursing programs. Becoming the first Dean of Nursing was a very important moment in the nursing history because at this period not many women obtained that high recognition in the education field. She earned this by first earning her Doctorate in Nursing, but upon her re-arrival to St. Joseph