
Salem 1692: The Salem Witch Trials

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Salem 1692, were witches real, were the people of salem in any danger, or was this all just a simple misunderstanding. There had never been an event so miscalculated in history question still is why had it happened? Back then the word that was feared the most was that one word that should almost dever be said, devil and it had its own name for a reason.

As many people started noticing there was a space between the land, the west and east, the separation of rich and poor. The people from the west were all rich and old, married and some widowed however left wealthy. The east were poor, ambitious to succeed quickly and nothing would stop them. The town did however get a new minister named Samuel Parris which also brought along his wife, daughter, and slave. After a while the daughter of the Samuel started getting sick …show more content…

The woman was Bridget Bishop the one woman who people started fearing thanks to when the examiner went to go ask her questions Bridget responded with a sort of negative attitude and soon the afflicted girls behind her turned their eyes to the point in which when you cannot see their puple. People the knew that the devil was near and that they needed a way to respond in which the whole town will turn out safe and sound. The town then started noticing once or twice that a group of girls start practicing the act of witchcraft which was then brought up to the minister and he arranged a court meding about them and soon enough all were executed by them getting hanged on a rope.So now the town knows that anyone that is brought up to court for being accused a which has a high possibility rate of being hang. Now the woman's from the east took that as an advantage to blame the ladies from the west so that they could die soon leaving the husbands no choice but them marrying the woman's from the east and then them becoming

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