
Salem Witch Trials: Bridget Bishop, Tituba, And Sarah Good

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Three of the most well known women accused during the Salem Witch Trials were Bridget Bishop, Tituba, and Sarah Good. Bridget Bishop's birthday is unknown, but it is estimated that she was born between 1632 and 1637. Bishop was married three different times, but she never had any children. Bridget Bishop was the first witch hanged in Salem. On April 18,1692, a warrant was issued for Bishop's arrest for witchcraft, but this was not the first time she was in trouble with the law. In 1690, Bridget Bishop was charged with witchcraft, but she was eventually cleared. Bishop also had past charges of violently fighting with her husband in public. These past charges did not help Bridget while she was being charged with witchcraft for a second time, …show more content…

As a child, Tituba was taken captive and sold into slavery. She was between the ages of 12 and 17 when she became a slave in the Parris house.("Tituba") Tituba married another Indian slave, John, in 1689. She also had a daughter, Violet, that lived in the Parris's house with her. According to, "Tituba made herself a likely target for witchcraft accusations when shortly after Parris's daughter, Betty, began having strange fits and symptoms, she participated in the preparation of a 'witchcake' (a mixture of rye and Betty's urine, cooked and fed to a dog, in the belief that the dog would then reveal the identity of Betty's afflicter." Samuel Parris, Tituba's employer, was extremely angry when he found out about Tituba making the cake, so he beat her until she confessed to being a witch. Tituba was the first Salem witch to confess and she most likely confessed to avoid punishment. In her confession, Tituba named several other witches, which managed to help her avoid going to trial. During the trials, a Tituba tried to recant her earlier confession. This attempted recantation angered Samuel Parris and he refused to get her out of prison. After spending over a year in jail Tituba was bought by an unknown person. It is also unknown what happened to Tituba after she began her new life.

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