
Salem Witchcraft Trials

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Problems in New England Caused By Population Pressure - In New England with larger towns new residents farther and farther away leading to quarrels about building a church of their own which is the first step to a new town; first generation father had enough land to give to all sons but as population rose younger sons had to move farther away to make towns of their own
Salem Witchcraft Trials and Its Possible Causes - Adolescent girls in Salem MA used spectral evidence for accusations against others about witchcraft; an actual belief in witchcraft by Puritans hysteria from the rigid society a way of poorer and less landowning farmers getting back at the rich way to target women (especially widows or those with land) who were seen as inferior …show more content…

Importance of the Cities in the Early Colonies - While not large compared to today's standards trading centers for farmers of their regions and markets for international trade; leaders were the wealthy stratification was seen; minor tradesman workers and indigents worked in poor conditions; centers of industry like ironworks and distilleries along with areas for schools and shops; had crime vice pollution epidemics traffic elaborate government poor support fire departments constables and dependent on market; breeding ground for new ideas
American Baptists & Roger Williams - Developed a great variety of sects; all shared beliefs that rebaptism usually by total immersion was necessary when believers reached maturity; while some remained Calvinists (predestination) others came to believe in salvation by free will
Jeremiads - Sermons of despair done by ministers as early as the 1660s which deplored signings of the downward trend for piety; done in New England by the Puritans (even though Puritans were comparatively pious); to combat secularism
The Great Awakening -Began in 1730 climax in 1740 and created new spirit of religious fervor; appeal to women and younger sons of third or fourth generation who had the least land and uncertain futures; emphasized potential for every person to break away from the constraints of the past and start a new relationship with …show more content…

Almanacs - Second most popular book next to the bible; started with Poor Richard's Almanack (written by Ben Franklin); became popular due to humor astronomy weather facts quotes; shows history; Ben Franklin used Poor Richard's Almanack to support science and stamp out superstitious riffraff
First American Colleges - 4 out of 6 by 1763 were started by religious groups, but the scientific notions from Enlightenment could be felt; Harvard established by Puritans 1636; 1693 William and Mary College in Williamsburg Virginia by Anglicans; Yale in1701 by Congregationalists in New Haven Connecticut to combat against Harvard's growing liberalism; Princeton in New Jersey (w/ one of first presidents as John Edwards); 1754 in New York founded by Anglican but very devoted to secular knowledge; University of Pennsylvania 1755 completely secular by laymen under inspiration of Ben Franklin; all offered secular programs such as physics geometry astronomy rhetoric
Differences in American & English Common Law - American Common Law: whipping post ducking stool stocks common as to execute labor is not a smart idea; more freedom of press; some colonists felt laws were reflective of divine well while others saw it as of natural order
English Common Law: gallows and

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