
Sally Satel's Organ for Sale.

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An Analysis of passion: Sally Satel’s “Organs for Sale” Sally Satel is an American psychiatrist based in Washington DC. She is a lecturer at the Yale University School of Medicine, the W.H. Brady Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, and author. Books written by Satel include P.C. M.D.: How Political Correctness is Corrupting Medicine and Drug Treatment: The Case for Coercion Her articles have been published in The New Republic, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and in scholarly publications like Policy Review on topics including psychiatry and addiction. Satel also serves on the advisory committee of the Center for Mental Health Services of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. After being …show more content…

“Altruism is the sole legitimate impulse behind organ donation” (…..), the onetime best U.S best seller further argued that altruistic acts are important qualities of human relationships in a society. Satel carefully cleared doubts of the notion that compensating donors will commodify the body and dehumanize us, she believes that its better to legalize organ donation than allow people suffer and die.
To further commend her argument, Satel analyzed the short term amd long term risks an organ donor faces and to a reasonably fact, “The truth is that a normal person can get along perfectly well with one kidney. The risk a donor runs is that his single functioning kidney will become deceased or injured and he’ll need a transplant himself—a highly unlikely event” (Satel 451). Satel’s aim is to provoke the emotional response of the readers and persuade them to believe his arguments by carefully giving facts and reliable sources to back his arguments up. In the argument, several rhetorical questions are addressed to the readers. “is it wrong for an individual…. Who wishes to utilize part of his body for the benefit of another to be provided with financial compensation that could obliterate a life of destitution for the individual and his family”.( Richard 449). This question appears to be a rhetorical question that demands the readers emotional response.
Satel’s argument is a true life experience of herself. She uses herself as an example when

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