
Same Sex Adoption Sociology

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Adoption among same-sex parents is a big awakening problem in our society today. The common issue of adoption of same-sex parents is the social behavior and psychological health of the child. Reviewing literature and studying articles on the issue has showed a strong sociological perspective in the view of same-sex adoption in our world today. Many articles have justified many pros and cons of same-sex adoption. Social relationships, psychological health, gender roles, religious values, the norm of the natural upbringing and social well being all tie into the perspective of why many Americans don’t primarily condone of this issue.

A controversial factor in our society today is the social perspective and the social meaning of same-sex adoption. Many Americans are becoming more aware in the realization that all people in society are different in various ways. Different in values, beliefs, customs, sexual identity and sexual orientation. There are a substantial amount of children waiting to be adopted, but adoption agencies limit the right to gays and lesbians, as well as families of same-sex partners. Families wanting to adopt a child should not be turned away because of the sexual orientation of one being used as a judgment for adopting children in …show more content…

It is to be truly understood that adoption homes and foster homes children, looking to be adopted is never ending. There are a large amount of children waiting to be adopted and many gay and lesbian couples turned away and denied because of their sexuality. The topic being reviewed of same-sex adoption is important because it is only rational to get a perspective on why so many Americans out law the rights of same-sex marriage adoption. The studies are important of social, physical, and emotional as to justify that with same-sex parenting children can still be socially, physically, and emotional

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