
Same Sex Brains

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In Stockholm, Sweden, an article stating researchers discover gay brain activity closely matches that of heterosexuals of the same sex was published in The National Geographic entitled, “Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains”. Figure one shows “Covariations with the respective amygdala seed region in hetero- and homosexual subjects. The Sokoloff scale indicates T values. Clusters detected at T = 3.0 are superimposed on the standard MR image of the brain” Which simply means that homosexual men and straight women showed more neural connections across the two brain hemispheres than heterosexual men did. Antonio Guillamon with the National University of Distance Education in Madrid, Spain did another study. Guillamon compared MRI scans on the brains of 18 female-to-male (FTM) transsexual’s with MRI brain scans of 19 females and 24 males. The FTM’s had white matter in regions that closely resembled a male brain. …show more content…

Walker-Sands then went on to describe the various steps that are required to transform from being female to becoming male. The genetic sex of a child established at conception is based on the 23rd pair of chromosomes it inherits. All fathers determine the sex of a baby. A genetic female is one who inherits an X chromosome from the father. If the embryo is female, then no testosterone is made. A baby who inherits the Y chromosome from the father is a genetic male. If the embryo is a male, then testosterone will continue on to develop male sex organs. If any of those steps are interrupted, for whatever reason, the result may be an individual who is born female, but who identifies with being male; an individual born male but identifies with being female; or a male or female who identify with their birth sex but are attracted to members of the same

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