In Stockholm, Sweden, an article stating researchers discover gay brain activity closely matches that of heterosexuals of the same sex was published in The National Geographic entitled, “Gay Men, Straight Women Have Similar Brains”. Figure one shows “Covariations with the respective amygdala seed region in hetero- and homosexual subjects. The Sokoloff scale indicates T values. Clusters detected at T = 3.0 are superimposed on the standard MR image of the brain” Which simply means that homosexual men and straight women showed more neural connections across the two brain hemispheres than heterosexual men did. Antonio Guillamon with the National University of Distance Education in Madrid, Spain did another study. Guillamon compared MRI scans on the brains of 18 female-to-male (FTM) transsexual’s with MRI brain scans of 19 females and 24 males. The FTM’s had white matter in regions that closely resembled a male brain. …show more content…
Walker-Sands then went on to describe the various steps that are required to transform from being female to becoming male. The genetic sex of a child established at conception is based on the 23rd pair of chromosomes it inherits. All fathers determine the sex of a baby. A genetic female is one who inherits an X chromosome from the father. If the embryo is female, then no testosterone is made. A baby who inherits the Y chromosome from the father is a genetic male. If the embryo is a male, then testosterone will continue on to develop male sex organs. If any of those steps are interrupted, for whatever reason, the result may be an individual who is born female, but who identifies with being male; an individual born male but identifies with being female; or a male or female who identify with their birth sex but are attracted to members of the same
One theory that many psychologist and scientist are trying to prove is that homosexuality has a fundamental biological basis. Similar to most mammalian species, humans at conception are females (McKnight 22). Toward the end of the first trimester is when the babies with a “male genetic message” begin to have small doses of two hormones, chorionic gonadotropin and luteinizing hormone, which start the altering process of the gonads into testes (McKnight 22). The hormones two jobs are to control the sexual development and control their function (McKnight 22). When the brain starts to develop masculine characteristics and lose the feminine characteristics, the processes are separate and occur at different
In the film “Dr. Money and the Boy with No Penis,” the story about a Nature vs. Nurture case study, had theorized that a child nurtured to believe he was a girl with no issues of gender confusion because gender is learned. By doing so a child who is intersex or transgender can grow up to have learned their gender. The late 60s and early 70s offered little two know on how genetics or social learning that takes place that helps reinforce gender differentiation, although the beginning of the video the newest surgeries for sex change had become new it wasn't the right choice for David. Dr. money had wanted his theory of gender neutrality to prove true, Money’s based publication of this early sex change and nurturing of Baby David into a girl had
Dr. Money developed a theory that argued while genetics are important, a baby is born neutral in regards to gender for the first few years of life and during this time the child’s environment would determine their ultimate masculinity or femininity. Money derived this theory from his research on intersex individuals, but the outcomes of these studies cannot be correlated to this type of case. This
In her scientific work Sex Differences in the Brain Kimura analysis several key differences that cause men and women to excel in various tasks and jobs due to naturally occurring phenomenon in the body and
The patient reported that he had never felt comfortable in his own skin and was exclusively attracted to females (Bradley, S.J., Oliver, G. D., Chernick, A. B,, & Zucker, K. J., 1998). This case study displays that genetic factors have a higher effect on gender identity than modeling or parental rearing. Despite the social and environmental factors rearing her to be a girl he always showed his masculinity. This study is interesting and should also be included in transsexual studies.
Judith Butler (Gender Trouble, 1990) argues that rather than sex determining gender-gender determines sex. Sex is shaped by gender discourses which give us scripts to perform according to whether we are biologically classed as male or female. The continual performance of these scripts on a daily basis is what makes us male or female. The classic example of this is the third sex, yes, the third sex and that is the transgender( born male in a female’s body or
In one article by Marcia Malory, “Homosexuality & Choice: Are Gay People ‘Born This Way’”, she goes into multiple studies on the genetics of a gay child's parents. A study conducted in 1993 the “gay gene” matter arose when it was looked into the homosexual children's parents having a different X chromosome marker. Nonetheless genes do not control our behavior completely as does environment. The brain may also play a role in sexual preference, like the study in 1991 showing the difference in neurons and pituitary glands. Later in the 2000s more studies showed that gay men have more symmetrical hemisphere and amygdala resembles that of women's. The brain develops in the womb and continues through late adulthood. When did a fetus choose its
Even though there are many studies that are reliable, there are some studies aren't reliable. Researcher Dean Hamer of the National Cancer Institute did a behavioral trait study using a common linkage study where it looks for a link between a behavioral trait and a certain genetic structure. The results for his study concluded that there was a link on the "q28"region of the X chromosome in homosexual males. Then a while
Although Gender Identity Disorder (GID) and homosexuality has been in the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) for many years, I was personally unaware of the controversy that surrounded it. I realized that I needed to educate myself in the issues and changes that have occurred in the DSM regarding GID and homosexuality over the years.
Dr. LeVay did a research and study about the brain to figure out the cause and the differences in the sexual orientation of the different people (LeVay &Valente, 2006). The main focus of his study was the brain of the homosexual and heterosexual individuals. Dr. LeVey’s research was
The East German scientist, Dr. Gunter Dorner, has devoted his life's work to the theory that exposure to certain hormones before birth determines sexual inclination. He claims that potential future homosexual behavior can be detected through amniocentesis, the test of the uterine fluid which can reveal Down's syndrome in the unborn child. Dorner further claims that, with prenatal injections, homosexuality can be prevented. The male hormone masculinises the mind, where in the absence of testosterone the brain develops along a naturally female pattern. (Dorner, 365) Dorner finds that the brain is not masculinises all in one go. Dorner suggests that in men and women it is the presence or absence of male hormones that build the structure of the brain bit by bit into a male or female pattern of sexual
The biggest question asked is how it comes around, however there is not a solid reasoning or proof of one main causal factor. According to Lippa, exposure to testosterone during the second trimester of pregnancy, when the development of both male internal and external genitals and a male-typical nervous system forms, may influence gender identity. (98) Brown counters this argument by saying the formation of a secure unconflicted gender identity and gender role is influenced by social factors, such as the character of parent’s emotional bond or the relationship each parent has with the child; he asserts that the biological factors (genetic complement or prenatal hormones) do largely determine gender identity however they do not act alone, more or less just setting the stage to go one way or the other.
This question has been asked for many years: is being homosexual a decision, or are people born that way? During the1990’s people thought it was an illness or a disgrace to the family, but now homosexuals are perceived differently due to studies. Neuroscientists of the Christianity Today Newspaper, argue that homosexuality can be a natural response of the hypothalamus itself based on the size of hypothalamus the child is born with. Neuroscientists have questioned “does its size determine homosexuality, or does homosexuality determine its size?” (Dallas). Yet, no one can be sure since the test was done on two deceased men. This being said, people can believe homosexuality is a gene that they are born with. This situation has aroused through this century as research rises concerning behaviors from the structures of the brain. In order to continue to convince the reader that people can be born homosexual and it is not a choice that they make as they grow. The article “Born Gay?” written by
Gender being ‘biologically determined’ means that whether gender is inherited or passed down by genetics. If a person is a man or woman, (which is usually called ‘The Sex’), that is biologically determined because they inherit the chromosomes to be born a man, or to be born as a woman. In the early 1970’s sex was described by “biology as: anatomy, hormones, and physiology” (West and Zimmerman 1987). Apart from gender being a biological factor, there are other things which are not biologically determined; “Gender was an achieved status, which was constructed through psychological, cultural and social means” (West and Zimmerman1987). Hence the answer
In today’s day in age, different sexualities and gender identities are quickly becoming more accepted in mainstream society. Despite this change, there are many people who believe that having a different sexual orientation or gender identity is a choice that is frowned upon. In order to refute this belief, research and biology of the brain is necessary. Researching the brain on the basis of sexuality is a fairly new topic of discussion because it is somewhat difficult and confusing. This paper will explore the different identities of gender, sex and sexual orientation and the main biological reasons behind these. There is also some validity of different sexual orientations and identities through the evidence of sexual disorders like