
Same Sex Parents Have A Significant Impact On A Child 's Social And Emotional Wellbeing

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“Same Sex parents have a significant impact on a child’s social and emotional wellbeing”

Table of Contents
“Same Sex parents have a significant impact on a child’s social and emotional wellbeing” 1 1
Introduction: 3
Scope of Study: 3
Methodology: 3
How does having same sex parents impact a child’s social interaction? 4
How do same sex parents positively influence the social and emotional wellbeing of a child? 5
Compared to heterosexual parents are children with same sex parents more resilient? 6
Conclusion 7
Referencing 9

Introduction: In today’s society, the topic of same sex relationships is highly debated; with the issue that is of most concern being the social and emotional wellbeing of children who are raised in same sex relationships. “How might a child’s general well-being be affected by these primary caregivers versus have a more traditional family?”(Journalist Reference, 2015) is one of the many questions being asked as a part of this debate. This study meets the ‘Socio Cultural’ Area Of Study because it is investigating the social and emotional wellbeing of a child and the family structure in which they are in.
Scope of Study:
The aim of the investigation is to determine whether same sex parents have a significant impact on a child’s social and emotional wellbeing. Therefore the hypothesis is, Same sex parents have a significant impact on a child’s social and emotional wellbeing. This study is divided into three focus questions:

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