
Same Zygotic Twins

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1. Twins can occur in two main ways which is why there is two main categories of twins. One type of twins occurs from one sperm fertilizes one ovum. This fertilized egg begins to duplicate and divide, however, if the fertilized egg splits apart completely in early development, two separate organisms start to grow creating monozygotic twins or more commonly called, identical twins. With monozygotic twins, because they split from the same zygote, they share identical genetics. However, a more common type of twins is dizygotic twins, which occur twice as often in monozygotic twins. Sometimes more than one ovum is released in a given month and when this occurs, two sperm fertilize the two ova, which makes two completely different fertilized eggs. Since dizygotic twins share the same parents, each has half of their genes in common, like any other sibling.
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As stated before, identical twins come from the same zygote which causes them to have the same genotype. Their genotype is what causes their physical appearance, psychological traits, and more to be the same. However, nurture always affects nature so the phenotype of the identical twins do not necessarily have the exact same phenotype. Each twin usually develops their own identities and personalities which also causes there phenotypes to sometimes be different.
3. When studying twins, researchers mainly study identical twins because they strive to see the influence of nature and nurture on the traits of these identical twins. One way of doing this is by splitting the twins up at birth. Obviously, the twins are going to share genotypes and so they are going to has similar influences of nature, but researcher aim to see if interests, habits, and skills are influenced more by nature or nurture. By splitting the identical twins up, it is easier to see which trait is influenced by either nature or

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