
Same-sex Marriage and Jordan

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It is Morally Ethical to Discriminate against Homosexuals
The legal battle in the fight of gay rights tests the application of the fourteenth amendment’s equal protection clause that states “No state shall …deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws (CITE). Our country was founded on the principle that all people should be treated equally. Everyone should be guaranteed the same freedoms and rights no matter what gender, ethnicity or sexual orientation. One group that has historically and continuously been discriminated against is homosexuals. Author Jeff Jordan in his article “Is it Wrong to Discriminate on the Basis of Homosexuality?” defends the claim that there are situations in which it is morally …show more content…

This method of salving the problem is referred to as “solution of accommodation” and this way both sides of the issue are given some but not everything of what they want. It is hard to believe that homosexuals are getting anything of what they want with the way the current system is. They want be recognized by society as a couple and receive the same benefits that marriage couple have. Homosexuals should not be discrimination against because of their homosexuality. Yes they would be receiving public benefits but essentially it matter of same –sex marriage comes down to a private matter because being a homosexual is what happens in the privacy on one owns home, no one is physically hurt by it. Because homosexuality is looked down upon and because religious texts forbid this, this moral belief had made its way into what is suppose to be our secular law system. Jordan believes by the government allowing homosexuality is good enough but his argument is faulty because it is based on his personal beliefs and he does not effectively justifies why homosexuals should be classified as not having the same right as everyone else. Author David Boonin didn’t do an effective job of disproving Jordan’s argument or proving why is it not unacceptable to discriminate against homosexuals. Boonin’s argument relieved heavily on the contradictions found in Jordan’s argument. From the very beginning of the essay Jordan states that his argument makes no claims

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