
Sample Thesis About Coffee

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1.1 Introduction
No morning is complete without coffee. Drinking coffee has now become more than just a way to wake up one's nerves, it has become a trend. Its more than just a morning beverage, it has become a part of the Filipino culture.
The Philippines used to be the fourth largest producer of coffee in the 1800s. Today, the Philippines is a net importer of coffee. Filipinos consume over 60,000 tons of coffee but only produce 30,000 tons. Every second, 250 cups of coffee are being consumed in the Philippines. This makes the Filipinos the largest consumer of coffee in Asia, and 25th in the world.
The main component of coffee is caffeine. Caffeine has been studied more than any other ingredient in …show more content…

The researchers now conducted a study to see and verify that coffee can be a tool for them to be productive. The word “them” pertains to different age group: high school students, college students, working professionals, and the adults or those who are at home.
The truth is that coffee, like anything consumed in excess, can be very harmful for the body. However, there are also positive effects to use of the substance, which many students may also be unaware of. While some may feel like they “depend” on it to perform their daily tasks, they should be watchful of their intake before they encounter unwanted and unexpected symptoms.
The health website WebMD explains that “caffeine is considered a safe ingredient. It is a stimulant that excites the nerve cells of the brain.” However, people do experience headaches or other pains without it if their body has already become used to the caffeine, which is why these may be perceived as “withdrawal” symptoms …show more content…

Different varieties of coffee are now available in the market. Different varieties, different amount of caffeine in its content. While having an intake of coffee, many effects can occur on our body and it is because of the amount of caffeine.
Using our knowledge in basic sciences and statistics, the results of this study will be identified. Through the use of statistical tools and survey analysis, we can conclude its effects also in the variety of ages of a person, on their profession and their activities in their everyday lives.

1.4 Objectives
The general objectives of this study are to determine the effects of drinking coffee to a person with the essence of determining the amount of caffeine on the substance. This analysis will be conducted with the use of some statistical tests.
The study specifically aims to:
1. To determine the range of effects of coffee depending on the amount of caffeine in it.
2. To compare the productivity of different kind of persons based on their ages and profession.
3. To provide a survey form about drinking coffee and their effects on productivity.
4. To use statistical tools in determining the variance of caffeine and the effect of productivity on a person.

1.5 Significance of the

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