
Sample Thesis

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4, series 1997. PUP is one of the country 's highly competent educational institutions. The PUP Community is composed of the Board of Regents, University Officials, Administrative and Academic Personnel, Students, various Organizations, and the Alumni. PUP is a public, non-sectarian, non-profit institution of higher learning primarily tasked with harnessing the tremendous human resources potential of the nation by improving the physical, intellectual and material well-being of the individual through higher occupational, technical and professional instruction and training in the applied arts and sciences related to the fields of commerce, business administration, and technology.

The University promotes applied research, advanced studies and progressive leadership in the stated fields. Majority of the students belong to the economically challenged level of society. It is the University 's commitment to give qualified and talented students access to quality and responsive education to aid them in the achievement of their dreams and improve their lives. Being a well-educated and skilled individual, they will not only become job seekers but job creators as well, a force of knowledge workers and entrepreneurs. PUP is relishing its successes and its students are enjoying unprecedented academic opportunities, an enhanced campus environment, upgraded colleges, state-of-the-art technology, and nationally

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