
Samuel Beckett's Waiting For Godot And Act Without Words II?

Decent Essays

Thinking and Writing: An Essay Samuel Beckett’s plays are abstract and seemingly ludicrous in the minds of those “cultured” by “true” literature. However, that is not the point, or rather that is the point that Beckett wants to break. Thinking about love, the weather, or the next Trump scandal will not help us in our endeavor to understand who we are and why we are here. It is through Beckett’s works that he challenges our preconceptions of the world and who we have learned it from so that we can craft our most authentic selves, a “self” that is transparent and questioning. In Beckett’s Waiting for Godot and Act Without Words II, the play serves as an authentic reflection of life and actively questions and inquires on what it means to …show more content…

Whereas, Vladimir and Estragon in Waiting for Godot, are aware of their situation and pass their time in contemplation even if it leads to the same end. The repetition of the plot and general absence of scenery draws the focus to questioning what exists and how it is existing, and if that existence is even worthwhile. When Pozzo and Lucky appear, the play complicates authentic thinking, or the contemplation of one’s existence, through Pozzo’s suppression of Lucky and Lucky’s enslavement to the suppositions of others. Pozzo is unable to produce his own thoughts and is preoccupied with how he is perceived by others, constantly asking Estragon and Vladimir their opinion of him; he acts as a host or entertainer, asking himself if “it is enough” (30). Whereas Lucky is the entertainment itself, “tangled in a net,” dancing and “thinking” at his master’s command. This relationship is a cruel one, but comparably as tragic as their obliviousness to their situation. When he speaks, it is like he is speaking from random textbooks, just spouting gibberish with names that seem to be important. The speaking is as meaningless and as inauthentic as figures A and B in An Act Without Words II, which contrasts with Vladimir and Estragon’s questioning and self-awareness. They seem to understand their plight based on how they contemplate their situation and think of their suffering. Vladimir realizes the mundane repetition of their lives stating, “[b]ut

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