
The Last Report On The Miracles At Little No Horse

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Novels and plays are two different forms of literature that are both capable of delivering similar messages. A novel is a type of literature that is meant to be read and excite the imagination as is shown in the novel “The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse.” On the other hand, a play is another form of literature that is meant to be acted and is based on conversations as is displayed in the play “fareWel.” Although both of these forms are uniquely different, they both are connected by the fact that they each are capable of telling a story and include a sequence of events. Therefore, a novel and a play may seem like total opposites yet they have the capability to produce similar messages to the readers. Novels and plays are two different forms of literature that are both capable of delivering similar messages in different ways. An author writes a novel for the sole purpose for their audience to read the novel. When reading a novel, it is the job of the reader to understand and decipher what the narrator is trying to portray in the book by reading between the lines. In the novel “The Last Report on the Miracles at Little No Horse,” the author does a good job of making the reader examine the text of the novel to get a clear message as to what is going on. This is shown in the novel when Agnes is in transition from Agnes to Father Damian when it says “His clothing, his cassock, and the small bundle tangled about him, a traveler’s pouch tied underneath all else,

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