
Sandra Cisneros Four Skinny Trees

Decent Essays

One topic that Cisneros illustrates throughout her novel is that feeling excluded from a group or society can affect our emotions. In the first chapter in the book shows a scene where Esperanza, the main character, is playing in front of her house when a nun from her school walks by. The nun then asks her where she lives and Esperanza points to her house. “You live there?” (5). The nun’s comment is simple, yet it makes Esperanza feel embarrassed and bad about herself. The tone of the nun when she says “there” implies that she is surprised that Esperanza lives in such a dilapidated and broken down house. Esperanza feels excluded and that nobody will accept her based on where she lives and the quality of her house. Cisneros also implies that being excluded based on what we look like can influence our emotions. …show more content…

Esperanza comments on how they are similar to her through her looks and compares their traits to that of a human. “Four who do not belong here but are… They grow up and they grow down and grab the earth between their hairy toes and bite the sky with violent teeth and never quit their anger” (74). Even though the trees are scraggy and skinny, they are ‘angry’ that they are outcasts and that everyone looks at them with disdain and contempt. The trees can be compared to people who have been excluded from society because they are different from everyone else. Their traits are the similar and they are treated the same. Cisneros is indicating that even if you are rejected, you can still persist, like the four trees from the vignette who even though have been rejected, they still continue to grow and use their anger as strength. Sandra Cisneros is illustrating how being rejected can negatively affect our emotions and views of ourselves and the world around

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