
Santiago And Marlin

Decent Essays

The story takes place in Cuba, were an old fisherman named Santiago has gone fishing for eighty four days and has come empty handed every time. He had an assistant, a young boy named Manolin. He taught him everything about fishing and was also very loyal to him, however due to the fact that he hasn’t caught any fish within eighty four days his parents forced him to join another boat because they thought the old man was unlucky. On the eighty fifth day he decided he would wake up early and set out farther out to the sea than usual,he set his lines, and by noon a marlin took the bait. Unable to pull in the fish he held on to the line determined to get it, this would go on for two days and two night.
Though he was in great pain he developed an appreciation for the fish which he then later refers to him as brother, he then decided because of the fishes’s great dignity no one was worthy of eating him. On the third and final day, the fish started to circle the skiff trying to tire the old man and escape , but with his remaining strength he pulled the …show more content…

No matter how many sharks he killed more always came, and by the end of the night the sharks ate the marlin and the old man was left with the skeleton.When the old man saw the skeleton he felt defeated and that the sharks destroyed his dreams. Finally he reaches shore and starts carrying the mast to his shed and leaves the bones of the marlin on the shore. Later that day a group of fisherman found the boat in which the marlin's skeleton was attached to and realize it is the old man's boat and come to feel ashamed of doubting him. The boy sees the boat and heads to the shack and sees the old man sleeping with his injured hands. The boy then brings him a newspaper and a cup of coffee, when the man woke up he promised the boy they would go fishing but until then he would sleep and he dreamed about lions on a

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