
Sarah Ann Ferner's Essay On Pressures Of College Students

Decent Essays

There is so many pressures put on college students. In further review of Sarah Ann Ferner’s document in the Odyssey on Pressures of College Students the pressures are, academic, finances, relationships, independence and accountability, peers, facing the future and the last is multitasking stress. One of the pressures is academic expectations. This pressure is from parents and teachers expecting good grades and attendance from the students. Also, these are college classes and the teachers expect more from them and that means more homework and more reading assignments. The more ambitious the students face the more academic pressure is put on that student. The next pressure students face is finances. While being away from home for most students is a …show more content…

This is hard to do when there is homework and studying and if the student wants to go out with friends. The next pressure is college relationships. When first arriving at college it can be nerve racking to some but meeting new people is a good thing. It depends on the person with making new people. Some they hit it off right away with people because they are good at making friends. Others it takes a while, might feel excluded from their roommates and be homesick. With that some college students might have a romantic relationship going into college and that will become stressful also. There are many breakups during the beginning of freshman year in college. Many students break up within the first couple months of going to college. Distance, new people and atmosphere change all play a role in this. With that, some people meet new romantic partners and it is stressful going out on dates with new people. In the Odyssey it said that with relationships there is an increase of hurt feelings and excessive worrying and heartache. That adds more stress to the

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