
Sarah Jean And Jacob Essay

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Sarah Jean and Jacob were the main characters of this episode of Criminal Minds. They are both in jail and it is their last day before the get killed for the crimes. In a last attempt to get answers and to close loose ends 15 years later. The couple had been separated while in jail, until the interviews for a brief moment. In the episode, Sarah Jean is shown as a victim, and a person who is sweet and innocent. Jacob is a sexual predator and is shown as such, also he is shown as a heartless individual, who takes pride in all of his kills, and knowing that the police have not found all of the dead bodies. When Jacob was younger he was sexually abused by his parents and all the attention was on him because he was an only child. Sarah Jean was in a home where he mother was getting physically abused by her husband, the couple later got a divorce. When they got together Sarah Jean was 16 and Jacob was in his twenty’s. There killings consisted of 13 blonde women who varied in age and, whom lived in southern Florida. Sarah Jean would pick the victims up from a mall parking lot with promises of Marijuana. When the young women would arrive at the car they were then kidnapped and taken back to the couple’s house. Before …show more content…

Rosemary’s life was hard for her while her mother was still pregnant with her. During the pregnancy her mother was given electro-shock treatment for depression, which damaged her frontal lobe. The frontal lobe is the part where your emotions are, and it’s the part the controls your decisions, knowing what’s right from wrong. Her mother was also being abused physically by her husband (Rosemary’s Father). They divorced in Rosemary’s early teenage years, and the mother took Rosemary and moved out the house. Rosemary moved back in with her father at the age of 16, she was being sexually abused by him. During her days at school, she would struggle, never really doing well in any of her

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