
Satire Essay On Drug Addiction

Decent Essays

I am not exactly sure how I am supposed to feel about having HIV. Scared. Terrified. Disappointed. Maybe stupid too. Stupid to believe that I was finally in control of my drug addiction. I thought I was over the drugs. I was five months sober and ready to apply for some jobs, so I can get my life together for once, but I was weak and drugs feed on that weakness. I am usually careful about sharing needles, but when you are desperate, intelligence isn’t around to help you make the right choices. I thought I was sick because of the drugs, so I stopped cold turkey, but I just got so much worse, but I didn’t think it would be HIV! All this stresses me out and makes me wanna take more drugs. How am I supposed to tell my mother who is my only saving grace and the only one that has truly supported me? I could only imagine her reaction when she finds out I took drugs again and got HIV because of it. I don’t even want to go to the doctor’s anymore. I could feel them judging me, looking at me as though they just expected me to catch HIV sooner than later. How can I face anyone? …show more content…

The doctor talks about CD+ T Cells and different types of medications and my head is spinning. I kind of understand that I don’t have AIDs and with the medication I should be okay, but I don’t know. I’m not sure how I am supposed to afford all of these medications or how I could hide all the medications from the people I know. Also, how am I supposed to have kids. I know my life hasn’t been on the best track, but I still have dreams of having my own family. Will my babies also have HIV and deal with the consequences of my actions? I wish I could ask someone, but I’m scared. Not only that, but how can I expect anyone to want to be with me in the first place once they find out about my status? I wouldn’t even want to touch

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