
Saul's Transformation Of Paul

Decent Essays

Saul was born in Tarsu to a Jewish family. He has dual identity as lots of Jews did in antiquity. He had a Jewish education, a Jewish way of life and abided by the Law of Moses. He was a Pharisee, one of a group of Jews who policed the boundary of the law and made sure that they and others were faithful to the law of Moses. One of the fascinating stories about Paul is his transformation on the Damascus road but one thing that does not change in this transformation is his passion. He just becomes passionate for a different cause.

Saul was most noted for his hatred of Christians. He believed the teachings of Jesus violated Mosaic Law and zealously harassed and even jailed, anyone who followed those teachings. The first scriptural mention of …show more content…

Stephen to death. An aggressive persecutor of Christians in Jerusalem, Saul sought and received permission from the high priest to proceed to Damascus for the purpose of imprisoning more followers of Christ.

On his way to persecute Christians in Damascus a bright light knocked Saul down, and heard the voice of God say. “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”. After this event Saul continued to Damascus where he was baptized, after which he set out to spread the news of Jesus. After he was baptized his named change from Saul to Paul. Saul’s sudden change confused those around him, because he was known as one who hated Christians, who went about seeking them out to eliminate those individuals he genuinely considered as breaking Jewish law. Suddenly he was transformed from despising the followers of Jesus into passionately embracing the Gospel of Jesus. No one have anticipated this conversion. The Jews in Damascus would eventually

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