
Save Money Essay

Decent Essays

How to save money when you are going on a long flight and you have to pay for food on the plain..
People sometimes forget that you can just bring your own food through the airport you don’t have to buy all those expensive snacks. Snacks are so much cheaper outside of the airport and if you get hungry during a flight like I do I would just bring your own snacks. You can bring as many snacks as you want through the airport they can't be open or be a liquid though. One thing that you could do is get plastic containers and put your snacks in them or you can get ziploc baggies. Another thing that is really expensive in the airport is, water. Water is probably the most expensive thing in the airport. Your not allowed to bring liquids through …show more content…

I can’t afford to go on fun excursions… There are many different places where you could go for free or for a cheap price and have a fun time. If you look up online free excursions to the place you are going to they will for sure have some free or cheap excursions there. There is so many places you can go for free and still have a really fun time. An example would be California, California has so many places you could go to for free. A few things would be going to the beach, going on a hike to the Hollywood sign, going to the boardwalks, or going to really famous park that is really fun. Another thing that you could do anywhere really is just explore their uptown/downtown and the shops that they have there.
5. I can’t afford a nice hotel…
There are many hotels out there that are cheap but may not seem nice. I would book a room in advance just like a flight because they are cheaper if you book in advance. Most people don’t care that much about their hotel because they want to go and explore when they are on vacation not just sit around. Another great thing about cheap hotels is that most of them serve free breakfast it may not be the best, but it is usually good and they are still providing you food so if you can’t afford to go out then this hotel will be perfect. Just like the airlines where you get points and it makes the flight cheaper or you get to board earlier that is just like hotels. Hotels will ask if you want to become a member and most people say no

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