
Scapegoat In 1984 And Animal Farm

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Totalitarian regimes have been popularized in the recent past by societies like Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and North Korea. The conditions of such governments are comparable to the those in Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm. These nations serve as exemplars of how totalitarian leaders are able to come to and keep power through controlling the public’s opinion. This can be done by creating a common enemy for people to use as a scapegoat. The basis of a scapegoat can be further strengthened through the censorship of media and by promoting a false sense nationalism and unity, often through propaganda. A scapegoat is one or more people who are used as patsies to blame problems on. Oftentimes scapegoats are falsely blamed for poor conditions which can lead to inter-demographic conflicts. In George Orwell’s Animal Farm, Napoleon chased his former partner Snowball off the farm and used him as a scapegoat. During Animals Farm’s short existence, a windmill was built for the farm to use as an energy source and storage space. A violent storm hit the farm and the windmill was destroyed. Napoleon seized this opportunity to further antagonize Snowball and successfully convinced the entire farm that “‘...the enemy who has come in the night and overthrown our windmill [was] SNOWBALL!’... ‘Snowball has done this thing!’” (Orwell, Animal Farm 32). Although any logical person would know that this event is just an unfortunate result of a natural disaster, Napoleon manages to make a plausible

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