
Scared Of My Shadow Reflection

Decent Essays

It is evident that Scared of My Shadow portrays the fear that parents have about raising their children in a “dangerous” world. Mark Miller, father of Emanuel, asks the important questions in order to uncover the best parenting style. One main point discussed throughout the documentary is how the world has changed so much in such little time. For instance, our parents’ generation used to be away from the house all day long, with no forms of communication. Occasionally, they would check in with their parents, but other than that, they were to be home by dark. Nowadays, some children are not even allowed to play in the yard without supervision. In the documentary, parents stated that they are too afraid to let their children grow up and distance …show more content…

Parents are unsure of the best parenting style, thus only want to know the correct answers in order to benefit their children. Likewise, the media is solely affecting the parents, which makes sense, because most parents watch or read the news at some point throughout the day in order to keep up with current information. Also, this generation is more centered on technology, compared to previous generations, which explains the shift in focus on the dangers in the world. Another way my perspective changed was by seeing the statements and reactions of the parents. Majority of the parents in the documentary were overprotective, which only gave one side of the debate. Although there were a few exceptions of parents stories that were lenient in their parenting style, most of the documentary was one sided. I was surprised that Mark Miller did not film the reactions of overprotective parents after the findings in his documentary. If he had, it would have been interesting to see whether parents were going to change their parenting styles or not. Also, would be fascinating to see if people changed their source of information and perspectives on the dangers in the

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