
Scarface The Movie Psychology

Decent Essays

In this essay I decided to watch the movie Scarface (1932). This movie is directed by Howard Hawks and Richard Rosson. Its lead actors are Osgood Perkins, Paul Muni, Ann Dvorak, and Karen Morley. Scarface is a film about guns, gangsters, and pretty woman, it follows a story of a fast rising gangster who lives by the moto the world is yours, but once he finds himself at the top he is quick to find his world is tumbling down around him.
Looking at scenes of sexual innuendo the film handled it with showing minor skin or even kissing. One scene of a sexual innuendo is the dialogue with Tony (Paul Muni) and Poppy (Karen Morley). In this scene you hear Tony say “I’m not hungry. Except for you. You got something I like” hinting to Poppy that he is interested in her more than he is food. Even with the films restrictions on not showing a lot of skin or even a sex scene the directors were able to still put their points across to what the characters implied, and that there was a sense of romance between the two without having to show any explicated scenes. …show more content…

You have an anonymous shadow who is Antonio “Tony” Camonte walking across the wall, then shots are fired and it pans back to the body of “Big” Louis Costillo (Harry J. Vejar) not showing the actual death or blood. This would be an ongoing theme because in the entire film the only blood you really ever see is on the sleeve of Johnny Lovo (Osgood Perkins) when he is clipped by a bullet. Even with the restrictions the directors had for the time I found it refreshing to see that I was able to understand the crisis that was happing but not have it required by the director to have a shock factor of blood and

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