
Scarlet Ibis Compare Contrast Essay

Decent Essays

As the old saying goes, “You don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” could also be related to the short story ‘The Scarlet Ibis’ by James Hurst about a disabled child and his brother, the narrator. The narrator was incredibly selfish and too filled of pride to realize that his brother’s life was a series of close calls all due to his own selfish desires. Doodle, being severely disabled, was only alive because of the persistent love and cruelty from his brother. The narrator’s main goal was to change Doodle to act like the other kids, only so he wouldn’t get embarrassed that his brother couldn’t walk. This ended up being non-stop training sessions, leaving the narrator filled with overwhelming pride. Throughout the story the brother’s feelings towards Doodle evolved in a major way, from hate and disgust, to embarrassment, and finally to love. Doodle was born prematurely, so early that he was severely disabled, which his brother never failed to remind him every chance he got. He was made a casket shortly after he was born, as he wasn’t expected to live for a long period of time. The narrator highly disliked is brother, so much that he made him touch his casket, leading to him to realize how he could use Doodle. ‘Doodle was paralyzed, so I put him on my shoulder and carried him down the ladder, and even when we were …show more content…

It was the only reason he got an existence away from his bed. Even though the narrator taught Doodle faintly out of love, the real reason he did was because he was filled of pride and extremely selfish. The narrator did truly love him, despite it being overshadowed by his ego. All he was doing was trying to do was protect Doodle from a world that doesn’t accept those that are different than others. He never expected it to have the sudden turn of events that in the end was the cause of his

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