
Scene Is A Public Park

Decent Essays

An Essay on Scene Is a Public Park
Public parks are a feature of the modern city. They serve a most useful purpose, because they give the people of crowded city opportunities to breathe fresh air, morning and evening. In congested modern cities they are a necessity and fulfill a vital function. They are often called the lungs of a city. They also afford open space for games and recreation. They are maintained by the municipal corporation of a city to serve these objects. “Public money is scarcely ever so well employed as in securing bits of waste ground and keeping them as open spaces”, said Sir Arthur helps. When the ever-increasing pressure of population and greed of profit create a constant tendency to encroach up on what seems to be merely un-utilized bits of land, the city fathered s must always keep in mind that every locality must be provided with requisites lands where the common man and his family can refresh and recreate themselves and escape from the dust laden, smoke-infested atmosphere of their congested homes.

Of course, it would not be quite right to say that these parks are a characteristic of the modern city alone. We find mention of groves and gardens in the jatakas. We recall the mango-grove of Benares where Buddha preached. Caesar, we know from …show more content…

For then the parks are crowded, - often inconveniently so, Children monopolize the earlier part of the evening. They shout and play to their hearts’ content. Easter, young people come as the shades of evening descend slowly on the scene. They have had their physical exercise elsewhere: now they come for gossip and rest. The old men repeat their scheduled exercises. In some parks, space has been leased out to clubs, and they make their own arrangements for swimming or basket-ball or tennis. In many, disregarding official instructions, young people have introduced football Mach to the annoyance of the old, and at some risk to little

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