
Scholarships for High-Scoring Malyasian Students

Decent Essays

Malaysia, through its department of Public Service, offers scholarship for students who do well in their examinations, to further their studies to the selected country outside of Malaysia. This step has been taken in order to give the students an opportunity to look the world at bigger picture. By looking at the world at bigger picture, what I really mean is observing how the students outside of Malaysia do in their studies, how the people work, how different is the other culture compared to Malaysia’s, and many more. The government do really hope that Malaysian students sponsored by them, can take as many as possible positive vibes from the outside and bring the vibes back in Malaysia and practice them. Before sending students to further their studies in the oversea, Malaysia government has did some research on which country should they send the students and United States has been one of the chosen country based on their good reputation and excellent education background. Out of thousands of the colleges in United States, Iowa State University has the most populated Malaysian students; regardless the races.
There are about 100 universities around United States with Malaysian students in it and every university has its own Malaysian society to take care of the welfare of Malaysian students and Iowa State University is no exception. The Malaysian society in Iowa State University has an official club named Association of Malaysian Students in Iowa State University (AMSISU).

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