
School Day Memo

Satisfactory Essays

Hi Ms. Sims and Mr. Mehta,

Tomorrow starts the first school day of the 2015-16 school-year. I am excited and hope both of you are as well. Please see a temporary OTC schedule attached.

As you know you will manage the FSS system for breakfast and support breakfast setup and distribution from 7:00AM to 7:45AM. This is additional 45 minutes is compensated by extra, for 1 additional hour each day that you work breakfast. Build in travel time wisely. Students will start eating at 7:10AM this year to give more time to eat. So please have you FSS machine or tracking computer ready for a 7:10AM start. Since most students are not in the system, especially at the Lower School, we will use a digital tracker in google apps for the first week or so. I will put this together and inform …show more content…

You then need to email the QMR to Ms. Williams, CCing Mrs. Johnson, the cafeteria worker in your building and I.

Morning Circle:
Once breakfast is over, your support will be needed in either the MPR or the GYM. Ms. Sims, notice in the schedule that you are listed to monitor staircase B then support morning circle. If someone is already monitoring staircase B, go directly to the GYM and help with setting up the media cart. Be present in the you morning circles. Create goo habits and model what students should see by standing, monitoring and being active. Sitting on the stage creates bag habits and send the wrong message.

Our School Aides will not be able to start tomorrow. It is likely that both will start on 9/1 - maybe sooner. Nonetheless, this means we will need you assistance to managing the lunch machines. Similiar to last year, we will double-track. However, since most students are not in the system especially at the Lower School, we will use a digital tracker in google apps for the first week. You will then need to manually input the

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