
School Dress Codes

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Do School Uniforms and Dress Codes Work?
Most individuals have a strong opinion on the issues when it comes the topic on school uniforms and dress codes inside schools. More schools around the world are implementing school uniforms. I read in an article “What to wear? Schools increasingly making that decision” by Greg Toppo in USA TODAY that ‘’Nearly in five public schools require uniforms in 2010, up from just one in eight a decade earlier, according to the most recent findings from the U.S. Department of Education. (Par 2) However, not all schools around the nation have pushed the issues on school uniforms and dress codes. All schools around the world should implement schools uniforms. School uniforms should be implemented in schools because …show more content…

Many school administrators and parents believe that uniforms create a better learning environment at school. First and foremost, many administrators claim that students are not as distracted by how they look, and therefore, spend more time learning at school. This allows students to focus more upon their schoolwork, rather than social appearances.” (PAR 3) A parent want to feel at ease knowing that their children is in a safe and secure learning environment when their children are at school. However, being able to provide a safe learning environment will not have the same effect on all students. Some students will still act as if the school uniform never …show more content…

Parents take their children shopping every year for school clothes. Going out shopping for school clothes takes up a lot of time and money. Going from store to store trying to get the best deals on the brand name clothing, just so that your child can fit in with everyone else that has newest trendy clothing. If schools around the nation implemented school uniforms parents wouldn’t have to deal with that. I read in an article “Case Closed: School uniforms cost less” by Matt Buesing a school uniforms examiner that “A recent New York article references a recent study showing that the average 10- year old is outfitted with $729.50 in back- to – school apparel and supplies. While the Cost of a year’s worth (five tops and five bottoms) of school uniforms or standardized dress code clothing $150.”(PAR 3, 4) So it’s clear that the study shows that school uniforms cost way less than then students newest trendy fashion apparel. Although the study shows that uniforms cost less there are still some parents that have argued that school uniforms can be a financial burden on themselves. Parents feel that school uniforms are financially cheaper than buying regular clothes that can cost them up to $700 per school

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