Do School Uniforms and Dress Codes Work?
Most individuals have a strong opinion on the issues when it comes the topic on school uniforms and dress codes inside schools. More schools around the world are implementing school uniforms. I read in an article “What to wear? Schools increasingly making that decision” by Greg Toppo in USA TODAY that ‘’Nearly in five public schools require uniforms in 2010, up from just one in eight a decade earlier, according to the most recent findings from the U.S. Department of Education. (Par 2) However, not all schools around the nation have pushed the issues on school uniforms and dress codes. All schools around the world should implement schools uniforms. School uniforms should be implemented in schools because
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Many school administrators and parents believe that uniforms create a better learning environment at school. First and foremost, many administrators claim that students are not as distracted by how they look, and therefore, spend more time learning at school. This allows students to focus more upon their schoolwork, rather than social appearances.” (PAR 3) A parent want to feel at ease knowing that their children is in a safe and secure learning environment when their children are at school. However, being able to provide a safe learning environment will not have the same effect on all students. Some students will still act as if the school uniform never …show more content…
Parents take their children shopping every year for school clothes. Going out shopping for school clothes takes up a lot of time and money. Going from store to store trying to get the best deals on the brand name clothing, just so that your child can fit in with everyone else that has newest trendy clothing. If schools around the nation implemented school uniforms parents wouldn’t have to deal with that. I read in an article “Case Closed: School uniforms cost less” by Matt Buesing a school uniforms examiner that “A recent New York article references a recent study showing that the average 10- year old is outfitted with $729.50 in back- to – school apparel and supplies. While the Cost of a year’s worth (five tops and five bottoms) of school uniforms or standardized dress code clothing $150.”(PAR 3, 4) So it’s clear that the study shows that school uniforms cost way less than then students newest trendy fashion apparel. Although the study shows that uniforms cost less there are still some parents that have argued that school uniforms can be a financial burden on themselves. Parents feel that school uniforms are financially cheaper than buying regular clothes that can cost them up to $700 per school
Dress codes is a standard of clothing for school, office, club, or restaurant. Schools have dress codes to promote professionalism and a distraction-free learning environment. More standards of dressings are set in place for girls than males. This causes an unequal amount of bias towards women and sexism to occur in the dress code.
The controversy about dress codes asks an important question: are dress codes targeting girls and transgender students? Several sites including:'s-fair-and-unfair-about-student-dress-codes, stated that when they spoke to girls they said they feel shamed and judged by dress codes. Are dress codes limiting students creativity. Should these girls really feel harassed men and boys at their school?
In high school and middle school, however, most of the learning comes from inside the classroom. Adolescents often find out a lot about who they are in their school environments. “Ten states currently allow states to mandate school uniforms” (Boutelle, Marsha. "UNIFORMS: Are They a Good Fit?." Education Digest, vol. 73, no. 6, Feb. 2008, pp. 34-37. EBSCOhost). The advocates of school uniforms believe that they will reduce violence in schools and promote a better learning environment for students.
Students all over the world are being bullied because of what they wear. Whether they wear the clothes to stand out or if it is related to their culture, bullies are going after them because they may look different than the average student. Dress codes are a great option for schools with reports of students being bullied because of what they wear. Dress codes are beneficial in schools by reducing bullying opportunities and promoting a more serious school atmosphere.
For years there have been debates on whether or not dress codes in schools are necessary for student success. Schools should not dictate what students wear to make them feel better about themselves. Strict school dress codes have not been shown to improve either behavior or academic achievement. It is time for schools to abandon these strict dress codes. Dress codes can only harm students in the long run. It stops them from expressing themselves and stifles their creativity. Strict dress codes send the wrong message to students saying that what they wear is sometimes more important than their education. Dress codes can also impose on a student's exploration of their gender identity. From middle school into high school are the ages where children
How many times have you heard of a child being sent home due to their outfit? In so many towns and cities there is ridiculous dress codes. Most of the dress codes are directed towards females. These rules somewhat make them feel as if they have to hid their bodies so they won’t distract men. High school dress codes are detrimental to all student’s confidence outside and inside the classroom.
At a local elementary school, a fifth grade girl is teased by classmates about her clothes being raggedy and not so stylish. Five weeks later, she overdosed on her mother’s pain medication and died at the local hospital. Beside her bed, her mom found a note that said, “I am so tired of people making fun of me and my clothes.”
The topic of dress codes are very picky among students. Many student hate dress codes. Most students do not believe that schools should have a dress code which is a opinion that has been proven true.Studies show that schools that don’t have a dress code have a higher amount of principle's list and honor roll students. Studies have shown that people that didn’t have a dress code while they were in school have become better members of society and more independent. Researchers believe this is true because while they were growing up they had more choices in their life; one of which being what they could ware.
The morning bell rings. One student comes into school in their new shorts, and then one of the teacher’s pull her aside and tell her to go to the principal's office. As-Is she walks into the office and the principle tells her to go home and change. Wait! Should this student go home just to change her shorts or stay at school and face the fact she may get in trouble? Well schools actually tend to just have a dress code for girls and not boys which is not fair. Plus clothing stores are selling clothing that students should not be wearing but when pre- teens buy a peice of clothing they wear it to school. And even though it sounds not very convincing there's actually a complicated issue with dress codes. Many
Recently throughout middle schools & high schools dress code has been an issue. Many kids have protested on changing or not changing dress code. Lots of kids have different opinions on this topic. Some think it's more for girls, it's not fair to girls, it causes stress and makes them feel like they're in an uncomfortable environment and or it affects their learning time.
School dress codes are the most enforcing and restrictive policy out of all the school policies. I know everyone hates and don’t understand why we need dress codes. Sometimes dress codes can be ridiculous and nonsense. I’m on the same page as them. Dress codes informs high school students what we can wear and cannot wear.
Is there anything more embarrassing than being dress coded at school? Enforcing a dress code among children is unfair because it not only discriminates against people but it destroys someone’s whole day. Dress codes and school uniforms are meant to increase student achievement and make everyone equal but instead it only hurts people. Most school dress codes are unnecessary and are sexist. Enforcing dress codes is suppose to boost student achievement but instead is racist, sexist and unnecessary. Schools should take into consideration their student 's feelings before they establish rules for dressing.
It is a belief that school uniforms teach students to respect their learning environment and behave themselves, and, therefore improving discipline. However, that assumption isn’t entirely correct. Researchers have actually found that school uniforms don’t make students better behaved. According to a study of more than 4,500 students, those who wore a school uniform did not have fewer behavior problems or better attendance. Forcing students to wear uniforms lead to more problems and misbehavior instead of encouraging discipline. Students could get into trouble if they did not wear their uniforms correctly. Many kids in today’s society cannot stand the thought of someone telling them what to do, especially what to wear. Instead of encouraging respect, uniforms may cause rebellions. For example, in 2009, a group of students at John A. Ferguson Senior High School rebelled against their school uniforms. Instead of following their school uniform requirements, the students wore what they thought would be a better school uniform to school. Not only uniforms don’t earn schools the respect from its students, but it may also lead to more problems.
Today in the US, only 19% of schools are reported to have school uniforms. A decade before that, it was 12%. The amount is increasing, but the problem is the popularity of the move is decreasing. School uniforms hinder students and parent more than they actually help.
II. Body paragraph #1 – School uniforms can save parents hundreds of dollars a year due to not allowing children to wear the latest fashion trends.