School lunches, they already suck, so they might as well be healthy. Changing the lunch program, no matter how much grumbling may occur, is a long term solution for childhood obesity. Unhealthy but tasty lunches provide only short term satisfaction, and even though students may complain about rancid lunch foods, it does not affect the entire day.
The United States is the fattest country in the world, and having fatty, sugary lunches is not helping. The reason nothing has changed for a long time is that most people do not care. The number of adults who could not care less what their child eats greatly outnumbers the number who want their children to be healthy and strong. A healthy approach at lunches may be more expensive, but will have
School cafeterias have been notoriously known for having unhealthy, unappealing food. Students at schools are being forced to eat these foods, when parents cannot provide regular lunches for their children. These lunches usually include the following: pizza, soda, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, and others, all filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives. To address this problem, there should be a switch between the foods and drinks being served, and I have just the ideas that will be delicious and healthy. Authors Alice Waters, Katrina Heron, and Mark Bittman all agree that some initiative needs to be taken to fix this unhealthy food problem, and so do I. Together, the student body and parents will address the school board with healthier food options that are better tasting and better for the body.
How are students supposed to be content and satisfied with school lunches? (Rhetorical Question) Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act is one of the main causes why students are not happy with lunches. This act was supposed to make kids healthier while keeping them full but instead it did the exact opposite. In protest to school lunches, and Michelle Obama’s Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act students, administrators, and school officials need to get involved to help change school lunches. School administration needs to start paying attention and change school lunches because the lines are too long and students do not have enough time to eat, school lunches are too expensive and the kids can barely afford their lunch, and the lunches are
Students have become more restricted than ever when it comes to picking the food they want to eat in the cafeteria, most of the food is healthy and has the essential vitamins and calories a student would need. The healthy hunger free kids act was implemented in 2012 and took away the use of grease, high sodium products and more. This aimed to yes take away all the tastier foods but also to try to opt for a more balanced and healthy lunch. When a student purchases a lunch, they are encouraged to take at least one fruit or vegetable and a low-fat milk. However, most of these “required foods” end up in the trash. Most of the time it’s a hit or miss with school lunches because not all school operate the same.
The food that is served at schools has too much fat. You don’t want to be fat do you? People bully others that are fat. This is why we need healthy lunch! If we don’t start getting healthy lunches, we are going to have to start packing our lunches. School lunch contains fat vitamins.
The food schools ban children from eating in the United States ,are actually staples in many others countries diets and those countries have lower obesity rates. This is worthy of attention because, if we are so worried about our students becoming obese then we should not ban these important staples that cause less obesity in other countries. When they can help us create a healthy eating habit for these minors why should we ban these healthy meals? This quote from Gale opposing viewpoints says to think about it this way: ¨Consider that in France, where the childhood obesity rate is the lowest in the Western world, a typical four-course school lunch (cucumber salad with vinaigrette, salmon lasagna with spinach, fondue with baguette for dipping and fruit compote for dessert) would probably not pass muster under the Healthy,
A solution to have better school lunches is to increase the budget of school spending for children, this mean having more better quality food which children will enjoy more and have more nutrients. Nutrients and low fatty content is what is being aimed for here, since we are trying to prevent children from eating harmful foods to there bodies. Also if not able to get better quality food at public schools, they should implement a law where children have to physical activities like exercising inside or
Another reason healthier changes to school lunches would be a good idea is parents. Parents want to see or know their kids are eating healthy. when Students are coming home and telling their parents they are not feeling good from lunch or not eating school lunches at all because they feel it's bad or it just doesn't appeal to them, than you have to deal with the parents because they are going to complain about their son/daughter not eating the right type of foods or their child not eating at all because of the unhealthy choices the kids are not receiving. also the parents are paying the school to feed their child, so why not feed them right and healthy? My last reason I feel Healthier changes to school lunches is a good idea is more students will eat school lunch because they know they aren't just eating anything that would make them gain weight or they will not feel good from it. not saying the students will not buy the unhealthy food but it will not be good for them and can also lead them to bad eating habits outside of school. Eating healthy inside of school could translate to them eating healthy outside of school, which is great. This being said, I feel
In addition, there is no nutritious value in a single school lunch. Amanda Ray wrote, “Processed foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt have become a mainstay of lunches in schools across America and the results are in, experts say these unhealthy school lunches are a contributing factor to the childhood obesity epidemic.” This shows that school lunches are absolutely unhealthy and school lunches has increased childhood obesity. It would be smarter if families across the United States would pack a more natural and nutritious school lunch for their student starting at a young age. The high in fat, sugar, or salt cause children to become overweight and very
School lunches should go healthy for a reason such as obesity. Obesity in children is a major problem across america. Unsound school lunches play a role in this disease, as they contain excessive amounts of unnecessary sugar and fat, which when combined with obesity, can lead to severe diseases such as diabetes. To sum it up, poor quality school lunches that can lead to obesity,
There needs to be some sort of regulation imposed on school lunches, in order to fight the growing obesity epidemic. Many people disagree with this statement, and have their own thoughts on the matter. The National School Lunch Act was passed in 1946 by President Harry Truman. All over the country, school districts joined lunch programs designed to feed children at free or reduced prices. In doing so, school districts had to follow specific guidelines that these programs required. Over the years, these standards have changed increasingly in order to provide children optimal nutrition. While many districts have fully taken advantage and successfully made the turn for the better, others struggle or are taking a little more time in
Even though healthy school lunches sometimes get expensive, I think students need to eat healthier so they don’t become obese. I think school lunches need to be healthier for elementary, middle, and high school students.
School lunch is disgusting for our kids, yep your kid too i'm afraid; it needs to be changed. We are wasting your money and tax dollars. The drinks and food are expired, or stale, just have gone out of their dates, or not even done. They make the foods so “healthy” it isn’t that beneficial for you due to the ingredients which also doesn’t make it taste good. Kids are not getting filled which leads to them not focusing, they are not going to eat what they do not desire. We need a change to this horrible lunch, the food and the drinks go out of their dates, all the “healthy” ingredients make the food distasteful as it looks, and a group of people might say it stops children obesity; yes it sort of does if kids are not eating it.
Going hand in hand with the problem of obesity, what students are eating in school may be causing them to get sick. In the United States, over 215,000 people under the age of twenty suffer from diabetes, according to Not only is the rate of diabetes increasing rapidly, but the CDC also states that for every 100,000 people in the U.S., twenty-two people die from diabetes. This problem can definitely be avoided. Serving healthier lunches at school would help prevent this disease, and save lives.
When I look back at my experiences through elementary school, and think about the school lunches, my memories tend to be very vivid in my head. When it comes to lunch, usually parents would expect some sort of nutritious, put together meals. Students are now accustomed to seeing nothing but long lunch lines, hearing loud talking, and seen eating very greasy, harmful and unappealing food. I recall numerous times seeing students in my class eating nothing but disgusting junk food as the main course of their meal and others simply throwing it away in the trash. One would think that elementary school lunches are promoting healthy, successful lifestyles among the young children, but what the parents don’t realize is that how are these elementary schools suppose to accomplish that when their school meals are so unhealthy? This is one of the main reasons why parents need to provide healthier lunches containing more delicious variety of edible food that not only is seen as considerably significant for children at a young age, but also helps develop the necessary nutrition
Healthy lunches at school might be the way to go but reality are our kids really going to enjoy lunch? Being a healthy kid is an amazing thing to do but taking away junk food at school isn't going to push them to be healthier it my push them away. By doing that we're just encouraging our home habits to increase. Giving them liberty to eat what they want with a limit can help the temptations. Junk food isn't the healthiest but it's amazing to eat once in awhile.