
School Lunches Research Paper

Decent Essays

School cafeterias have been notoriously known for having unhealthy, unappealing food. Students at schools are being forced to eat these foods, when parents cannot provide regular lunches for their children. These lunches usually include the following: pizza, soda, cheeseburgers, chicken sandwiches, and others, all filled with artificial ingredients and preservatives. To address this problem, there should be a switch between the foods and drinks being served, and I have just the ideas that will be delicious and healthy. Authors Alice Waters, Katrina Heron, and Mark Bittman all agree that some initiative needs to be taken to fix this unhealthy food problem, and so do I. Together, the student body and parents will address the school board with healthier food options that are better tasting and better for the body. …show more content…

Authors Alice Waters and Katrina Heron, proposed an idea that more money being put into the food would help the poor nutrition that cheap food gives . This cheap and unhealthy food has shown its way over the last decades. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention mentions that childhood obesity has doubled in the last 30 years, and adolescent obesity has quadrupled. My idea, is that lunches could be five dollars a day. Instead of pizza, chicken sandwiches, and cheeseburgers; each day of the week can have a certain day where cultured food is served. For example; on Mondays, Italian food would be served, on Tuesdays, Chinese food would be served, etc. This is a much more appealing food option than the two dollar lunches students currently eat. This would also benefit the students because they would look forward to the certain day where their favorite food is served, while also being healthy. Another poll I created asked whether my idea of cultured food days would be better than the everyday pizza, chicken sandwich, and cheeseburgers. Ninety-nine percent of the students agreed that my idea was

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