
School Shootings

Decent Essays

Taking Aim at School Shootings
School violence, specifically school shootings, are a rising problem and concern that in some way affects every student, parent, and educator. According to Lee (2013), since 2010 there have been 54 school shootings in the United States alone and that number continues to rise (p. 88). The Macmillan Dictionary defines a school shooting as, “a violent act in which someone, usually a student, uses a gun to injure teachers, students, and staff” (n.d.). Although these violent acts directly affect those closest to the problem such as students, educators, and parents, when a tragedy such as this occurs, the entire nation is affected in some way. When an intense act of school violence happens, fear and panic are instilled …show more content…

It was not until 1850 that these kinds of violent acts began to rise and people began to see this as a common occurrence (Williams, 2013, para.2). Violence in schools first gained major media attention after the infamous Columbine shooting in 1999 and has since become a topic of intense interest. People want to know who would be capable of this kind of act and why they would do it. In the majority of cases, the shooter is a student who feels injustice in life and takes matters into his or her own hands. Based on research found in the article by Lee (2013), in 73% of cases one or more people are killed, in 24% one or more people are injured, and in only 3% of school shootings no one is harmed (p. 106). Recently there have been a barrage of school shootings in the United States which have left the country reeling and students, educators, and parents in a state of fear and high …show more content…

Family environment is one cause that is only analyzed after the violent act has occurred. Most families will refuse to speak to media outlets or admit truths to the police so no one can be completely sure of how the family acted behind closed doors. It is the classic argument of nature versus nurture which research has put to rest, showing that both factors interact and is now a question of to what degree do these two factors interact to produce their effects (Feldman, 2013, p. 293). It is too difficult to get concrete facts and study the environmental effect when dealing with a problem that interacts with another in a way that cannot be measured. Family environment most likely has some sort of effect on the young person who commits this type of crime, but because it cannot be concretely determined, it is a weak

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