
School Violence Research Paper

Decent Essays

School violence is widely held to have become a serious problem in recent decades in

many states, especially where weapons such as guns or knives are involved. Depression, home

environment, and problems with teachers and students can become a major role in school


Depression can lead to someone wanting to hurt others. It gives the person a high that

sometimes they do not feel. People that are depressed act out and put their emotions on other

people. Depression can make a person go crazy and do things that they normally do not do. It can

make a person have a violent behavior which leads to punching or kicking other students. If the

teachers know that a person is depressed, they should send them to a counselor to get help.

When a person …show more content…

School security should be used to keep everyone safe and away from the violence. The

school and community should have a safety plan. They should have police on duty, cameras, and

teachers monitoring the students at all times. Students should always know they are safe at all

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times. Schools need to have drills on where to lead the students for safety in case of an


If a threat is being made to the school, it should be taken to full actions. Whoever the

threat is coming from, the school should find out details and information to find out if it is true.

Threats are a very dangerous thing and if a person says they are going to do something, they will

end up taking action and doing it. Schools should keep their students on lock down until they

know the threat is over and the students are safe.

Students that are violent with others should be disciplined. The worst that they student

does depends on their punishment. A lot of times when a person fights someone, they will get

alternative school and not be allowed on campus. The good thing about that is, a student

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