
School Vs. Year-Round School

Decent Essays

Imagine that it is the end of May, almost June, and the whole school is ready for summer vacation. The nice weather, the pool, and everything else good about summer. But the school recently switched to a year round schedule. Summer vacation isn’t for another two months, and it is only about twenty days long. The students don’t have time after school to go to the pool or do fun summer things, because they will be in school five days a week, like a normal school week. This is what many schools around the country are doing. Students who go to a year round school often go for 9 weeks, then, get 3 weeks off. Kids and teachers are trapped in school, when there is nice weather outside, and fun things to do. This is all apart of year round …show more content…

Jill Parker, who is apart of a group in North Carolina called Time to Learn are against year round schools. This group argues against year round education, and they say- “Studies done so far don’t have the longitude to merit serious discussion.” They are saying that schools don’t take all the facts into consideration. Summer is when many people travel and go see relatives, but with students in school all year, it takes away that opportunity. Also, in lots of farm communities, the kids work on their family’s farm. Those people’s farms might possibly be their only source of income, but if the kids are at home, they can’t help out. In the summers, especially, farms need the kids to help out. Some school districts don’t think of that. Not only are the students getting family time taken away, but the teachers have families too. Teachers have to stay longer, and often live in another town than students too, so that takes even more time away. There are so many students and teachers who do not have time to do the things they want to do. As you can see, year round schooling limits family time, for students and teachers, and causes them to not want to come back to school, and might miss school to make time for

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