
School, Work And Leisure

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In this paper I am going to address LeAlan’s experiences in regards of school, work and leisure. I will explain if his experiences have been positive, negative or both. In addition I will explain how these experiences will affect his life as an adolescent and as an emerging adult. To support my findings, I will focus on LeAlan’s attitudes toward school, the effects of work on academic achievement, and his time use. In addition, I will explain LeAlan’s development in regards to his identity. I will explain if LeAlan is developing a healthy sense of identity. To support this I will focus on his self- concept, his religious beliefs, and his ethnic identity. In this part of LeAlan’s life case study, I will focus LeAlan’s attitudes towards …show more content…

On another note, in regards of LeAlan working experience, LeAlan started working at the age of fifteen. According to Jones et al. (1997), LeAlan decided to become a reporter at the age of fifteen so he could let the world know what was happening in his neighborhood. This job that LeAlan took along with his friend Lloyd had nothing to do with his school. It was something extra he wanted to do, but it was something that could give him some income if he succeeded. Taking the responsibility to become a reporter has helped LeAlan to get out of trouble from his neighborhood, and to become a more mature person. According to Steinberg (2016), working while attending school could be a negative step for adolescents. He explains that research has found that when students work long hours, their grades are affected and students tend to be absent from school. He also states that work is a factor for adolescents to become aggressive, and to get in trouble with the law (Steinberg, (2016). However, it seems that this is not LeAlan’s case; he has been able to manage work and school. Jones et al. (1997) explain that his mother confirmed that being a reporter has helped her son grow; they state that she even explain that it has help him to do better “academically” (p. 179). In addition, Jones et al. (1997) explain that LeAlan at the age of seventeen takes trips to different parts of the country to give out speeches, but then he returns during school time and he is

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