
School Year Round School Essay

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I remember the time in summer vacation when my family would do all kinds of fun things. Some of them were going to the zoo, a water park, or even going to some tropical place. Would you like to have a school year that is 365 days long, and give up all that?Mostly teaches are saying that kids need the time away from school they need the time to spend with their families But on the other hand people are saying (mostly teachers) that kids should have a summer break. They think they need time to spend with their families. Also they should also have a time for them to relax and learn some new things that they can not learn in the school year. The teachers should also get a break from always grading tests. And even from planning lessons. They also like spend some time with their family and enjoy the hot and nice weather. Other studies have showed us that having a longer school will result in next year not as many kids coming back. People have said that having a year round school year you would …show more content…

In studies most people have said,” having a longer school year will help kids who are falling behind to have them a chance for them to catch up.”but people say that if the kid is having really low scored in school that when they are outside of school that they will not have as much confidence so that having a longer school year might boost up their confidence. Parents think that it is a good idea they are happy that the schools are now opening up to doing that so if there kid is falling way behind then it will make them happy that they now know that their kid might start to be on the level of what other kids are at. But kids should have the summer they need the fresh air away from school to be a kid before you have a job and you can really not have the chance to do that any more.So Kids should really not have year round school, kids need to learn how to be kids while it

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