I remember the time in summer vacation when my family would do all kinds of fun things. Some of them were going to the zoo, a water park, or even going to some tropical place. Would you like to have a school year that is 365 days long, and give up all that?Mostly teaches are saying that kids need the time away from school they need the time to spend with their families But on the other hand people are saying (mostly teachers) that kids should have a summer break. They think they need time to spend with their families. Also they should also have a time for them to relax and learn some new things that they can not learn in the school year. The teachers should also get a break from always grading tests. And even from planning lessons. They also like spend some time with their family and enjoy the hot and nice weather. Other studies have showed us that having a longer school will result in next year not as many kids coming back. People have said that having a year round school year you would …show more content…
In studies most people have said,” having a longer school year will help kids who are falling behind to have them a chance for them to catch up.”but people say that if the kid is having really low scored in school that when they are outside of school that they will not have as much confidence so that having a longer school year might boost up their confidence. Parents think that it is a good idea they are happy that the schools are now opening up to doing that so if there kid is falling way behind then it will make them happy that they now know that their kid might start to be on the level of what other kids are at. But kids should have the summer they need the fresh air away from school to be a kid before you have a job and you can really not have the chance to do that any more.So Kids should really not have year round school, kids need to learn how to be kids while it
The first reason i'm against year-round school because we wouldn't have our summer break, The reason why it's a bad thing to not have summer break we won't get to enjoy outside activities we won't be able to have much fun as we deserve to because it wouldn't be fair. I thank it's better to have a summer instead of going all round school.
So why is there such opposition for year-round school? The concerns seem to arise with the idea of taking away summer vacation. Most cite that both the students and the teachers need a break from school. This also the time where many families have vacation. Summer is the time where family spend time together without homework and project due dates looming over the students. This looming inevitably happens during the
This is how the Year-Round School format would work. Students would attend school for a certain amount of days, and then the students would receive a longer break period. This would be repeated all year long. Primarily, the education administration is taking the summer break and splitting it equally throughout the year (nayre.org). The school districts that Year-Round School will help students, yet it may actually hurt them socially. For example, the long summer break provides students with the exciting opportunities such as camps and family vacations. These are learning opportunities that take place outside of the classroom by teaching young children valuable life skills including patience, teamwork, and tolerance (ltisdschools.org ). Also, teenagers may
Year-round schooling is a good idea because it cuts down on the set backs of long breaks. The summer break that everyone knows and loves used to have a different purpose then just swimming in the sun. In the 19th century the children going to school also worked on family farm, so they used this summer “vacation” to help get ready for the winter months. (McFadden and McMahon) Now that there is less farming families schools do not have to worry about that. By the end of the year, YRS
Why is a year-round school a bad idea? Having a summer vacation gives students motivation throughout the school year. It is a bad idea to make our winter break longer than summer break because some students work over the summer, students are not getting the best education they could, and they will not have much time to spend with their family.
You know that summer vacation that you always take with your family? Well if the school board switches to year-round schooling, you will no longer be able to have that vacation. Year-round schooling is turning into a world-wide new experience. With going to school all year long it ruins old traditions like that family vacation in the summer, and having that long stretch of summer relaxation by the pool and on the beach. Some other issues with year-round schooling is the rising cost and schedule adjustments.
This is one reason that we should not have year round school in the United States. Year round schools don't learn any more than the kids in traditional nine month school calendar. The article says,"Students in "year-round" schools don't learn more than their peers in traditional nine-month schools, new research has found." This shows that kids in year round school don't learn any more then kids in the nine month school calendar. If kids don't learn any more than their peers than they shouldn't have to go to year round school. Kids in school deserve to have a summer vacation to hang out with friends and family and to be able to travel.
Year-round schooling could make those vacations more difficult. Even though there is a shorter summer break using year-round schooling, there is still enough time for families to go on a long summer vacation. In fact, because of the way a balanced calendar is set up, there are different opportunities for vacations. In year-round schooling there are multiple breaks after each quarter. These can allow families to go on vacation on seasons other than summer, and have more frequent, smaller breaks during the year (Year-round). The cost for plane tickets and some other expenses of a vacation could be reduced. This could occur because if going on vacation during an offseason, plane tickets are generally less expensive (Year-round). With standard schooling there are times when families want to go on vacation. The problem is that there either is not a break that the family could go during, or the break is not long enough for the vacation the family wants (Flanagan). This causes the student to miss school, and with that tests, lessons, and homework. It can be hard for students to get caught up and fully understand the information that they missed during their time off of school (Flanagan). The frequent break would help with this and make planning vacations more easy. Summer vacationing seems difficult with year-round schooling, but there are actually many
For many years, girls and boys would go to a year round school, and have breaks certain times of the year to help out at home or on the farm. Now days, only four percent of schools are year round. There are not many things that children have to go home for during the winter or summer anymore. Therefore, it is not a necessity to have summers off. However, having more year round schools, will create and easier life for students.
Does year round school truly have a positive impact in the lives of students? Various studies do suggest that year round school is helpful. There are some disadvantages to this type of schooling that are preventing all schools from switching to this type of scheduling. In earlier times schools were only teaching throughout half of the year so that school would be out of session when it was time to work in the fields. This type of scheduling is still common today even though only a small portion of agriculture is tied into education and kids are no longer required to work. “In 1994, the National Education Commission on Time and Learning (1994) urged school districts to develop school calendars that acknowledged (a) differences in student learning and (b) the major changes taking place in American society. The report reflected growing concern about how the school calendar relates to students at risk for academic failure” (Cooper, Nye, Charlton, James, & Greathouse). As a result. many are fighting for year-round school. Year-round school has proven to be beneficial in the lives of students and has lead to greater success in the classroom. Although, there are some downfalls to year-round schooling.
Against Year- Round Schools Do you feel like year-round schools are a waste of time? I feel like year round schooling is not the best for teenagers because it doesn't give us anytime for ourselves. School can be very stressful and we just need longer breaks. Some statistics say that year round school keeps the students out of trouble and it increases test scores.
When I return to school after summer, I always struggle to remember anything from the months before. For this reason, I personally think kids should go to a year round school. Moreover, kids shouldn’t have such a long summer vacation. Students should go to a year-round school for more intersessions throughout the year, so they have less stress, it will be easier to remembering what they learned, and year-rounds schooling has smaller intersession you can use if you are falling behind, you can catch up.
Year round school helps with the complications of childcare issues. Parents won 't have to worry about paying for their child to go to a daycare or a summer camp. Child care can be very expenses and the child might even be upset about going to daycare everyday of the summer. Another child care issue is that if families have older children they could get stuck with watching their younger siblings. Then most of teenagers summer are spent watching their younger siblings when they could be enjoy their summer the way they want.
The average school period is one hundred and eighty days with small breaks in between and a three-month break during summer to ease students’ minds and let them relax. The Board of Education should make all schools in the United States year-round to increase educational time and decrease the loss of knowledge over the breaks. It gives students the same time to relax and plan family vacations periodically throughout the year, but never creates the stress of changing sleep schedules that summer break changes. Not only is it a good way to enhance education, but it also is better for planning family events, positive effects on budget, academic achievement, and could decrease the absence rate of students.
The third reason why we shouldn’t have all year round –schools is because, its tradition to have 180 day’s strait with 3 months of breaks and it gives us more important things to do in the summer. According to Julia Sines, to have a 3-month summer and do more fun activities to do all summer is better than going to school year round. Kids want to go on vacations with their parents. Some athletic kids won’t be able to play travel sports. Scientist say that year round school kids drop out by their senior year (Sines). Most juniors and seniors work in the summer for money for colleges and to save up, but they won’t be able to get money. It’s more American to have 180 straight days with 3-month break. Billee Bussard stated, “It is an idea that has been tried and failed for more than 100 years,” (Sines). So talking to that quote, why would we start now. Kids love going outside and swimming and playing games and making money, but because the kids go to year round schools they only have 3 weeks to do these fun