
Schools Should Not Have After School Sports

Decent Essays

Many schools are now starting to debate whether to have after school sports.A variety of students and parents may not condone with the idea. Therefore, schools should not have after school activities because, students focus more on, sports then their school work, they take money away from the school when they could use it for better purposes, last, it takes too much time consuming .

After school activities may be a pleasure to partake in, sports may also take up the studying time needed for classes and upcoming tests.” While sports do have many benefits- providing exercises, lessons in perseverance, school spirit, and just plain fun- the emphasis has gone too far” (Ripley 10). “ The high school has sealed off the science labs, which were infested with mold, yet the still had football, basketball, volleyball, track, tennis, cheerleading, and baseball teams” (Ripley 11). The data given is influenced by Amanda comparing the two events and saying that sports are …show more content…

Ripley explains that “players spend long hours practicing, and the commitment extends to the rest of the school from late night band practices and pep rallies to meeting parents” (11). She also claims that “ for home games workers have to set up fields, repaint the lines, hire security, and pay for clean up after the games” (Ripley 11). All of the time getting put into preparing for the home games, teachers could be helping troubled students or offering extra help with assignments.

It clearly shows that the after school sports are very distracting and unneeded for the students causing them to be stressed and distracted towards their learning education. The data shows the enhancement of the students grades and financial difficulty. Therefore, schools should observe the system of other schools so they can develop a better education for the students and improve their financial

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