
Science Assignment: Hominidae Family

Decent Essays

Science Assignment – Part A

1. What ae some key features of Family Hominidae?
How does this classification differ from the Hominin group?

There are 4 different Genus under the Hominidae Family including Pongo, Gorilla, Pan and Homo. Key features of this family include bigger brain, collar bone, binocular colour vision, 4 different kinds of teeth, nails not claws, smaller olfactory centre of the brain, eye sockets enclosed by bone, smaller snout, flexible limb joints and hands with opposable thumbs. (Jacaranda page 116). Hominid – the group consisting of all modern and extinct Great Apes. Hominin – the group consisting of modern humans, extinct human species and all our immediate ancestors

2. Find a timeline/ancestral pathway of human evolution and identify the earliest human like species. Describe some of their key features and how they differ from modern humans Homo sapiens. (NB. A timeline/ancestral pathway must be included)

Our earliest ancestors had much larger canine teeth, much larger cheek and jaws, a much smaller brain, was unable to use tools, no full-blown language or rounded cranial vault. …show more content…

The greatest increase happened in the genus Homo in the last 2 million years (Pleistocene). Human encephalisation is not an obvious choice for the evolution of any species. The human brain consumes a great deal of the body's energy and our ancestors would have had to have had the nutritional means to make this possible, with a reliable, all year round available food source, rich in brain specific nutrients. This has been crucial in where humans are as a species and how highly developed we are, being able to build cities, have advanced communication, walk on two feet, and hunt and grow crops on farms for

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