
Science Case Study

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1. It is necessary to conduct random sampling within a habitat as we found more accurate the results withdrawing the influences of humans and let on the investigator to analyze and describe the structure and function of it with the obtained data. 2. In my opinion, accurate is when you have a measurement and you are more close to the actual value, on the other hand, precision is when you have repeated measurements and they do not have to be close to the real value, for example when you are doing an experiment and you have to do three trials and they are giving you the same result but at the same time, they are far away from the true value. I prefer to have in my sampling accuracy as my result could be more close to the true value. …show more content…

HO: There is not significant difference in abundance among the four species calculated from the transect sampling. HA: There is significant difference in abundance among the four species calculated from the transect sampling. I got a p-value of 0.16, which is greater than the alpha (= 0.05).Therefore, we fail to reject the null hypothesis. Concluding that there will be not significant difference in abundance among the four species calculated from the transect sampling. No, the estimates from the individual group did not match the combined class estimates even though groups 5 and 6 had the same values in the quadrat sampling. In this case, the group with the highest estimate population size is group 1, which is higher than the mean calculated. On the other hand, group 4 has the lowest estimate population size among all the groups. In addition, group 2 has a lower estimation number except for specie A, and group 3 has a lower estimation number as well except for specie D. 1. In conclusion, given the true size of each species population, the sampling methods that obtained results that were more accurate was quadrat as this method is very convenient when you are going to test population sizes with limited mobility. In this case, I will increase the precision of my sampling methods if I had to do this experiment again using the quadrat data several times in order to avoid tendency but also the transect sampling

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