
Scientific Progression in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein and the Film, Blade Runner

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Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” is an early 19th century cautionary tale examining the dark, self-destructive side of human reality and human soul. It is written in the Romantic era where society greatly valued scientific and technological advancement. Throughout the novel, Shelley expresses her concerns of extreme danger when man transgresses science and all ethical values are disregarded. The implications of debatable experimentation and thriving ambition could evoke on humanity are explored in the novel. Likewise, “Blade Runner”, a sci-fi film directed by Ridley Scott in 1982 is a futuristic representation of Los Angeles in 2019. The film reflects its key widespread fears of its time, particularly the augmentation of globalization, …show more content…

Similarly, “Blade Runner” examines the danger of scientific advancement through the use of film noir elements. An establishing shot of Los Angeles highlights how scientific evolution has destroyed the environment resulting in an urban wasteland with a claustrophobic, polluted atmosphere personifying a physical representation of hell. Dissimilarly, the setting of “Frankenstein” embodies many romantic values such as “the changes of the seasons, tempest and calm”. Overt materialism and globalisation is shown through commercials of “Atari” and “Coca-cola” with the backdrop of non-diagetic music. Society values corporate greed derived from scientific discoveries ahead of the values of nature and emotion as “Frankenstein” embodies. Scott effectively uses mis-en-scene of film noir elements such as a misty room, silhouette figure and intense darkness in the interrogation of Leon to illustrate the superhuman power of replicants. Immense scientific advancement is contrasted through environmental degradation and genetically-engineered replicants that appear to be “more human than human”.
A prevailing theme within “Frankenstein” is the recurring conflict of science and religion. Shelley utilizes dramatic irony when Victor plays God by creating “a new species that would bless him as its creator and source”. Victor doesn’t fulfill his role as God as he rejects his creation and doesn’t provide it a proper upbringing. Shelley utilizes a doppelganger,

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