
Scientific Revolution Vs Enlightenment

Decent Essays

The more I learn about our past the more I learned it had something to do with who I am today. Learning about the Renaissance was amazing and didn't know that was only the beginning. The scientific revolution and enlightenment preceded this period. Other than that the industrial revolution was another period of knowledge and culture change.
In the 18th century Europe was reoriented by the enlightenment. Simply with one theory that logic and reason could improve life and all of humanity. Amazing right ? “European politics, philosophy, science and communications were radically reoriented during the course of the “long 18th century” (1685-1815) as part of a movement referred to by its participants as the Age of Reason, or simply the Enlightenment”( …show more content…

My best way to explain that it was a European movement in the 1700s. It was based on the idea that science, logic and reason could make improve society. The prominent figures were mainly educated intellectuals and philosophers like John Locke he proposed that the role of the government was to protect the natural rights of the citizens if they didn't then new government would be chosen. Baron de Montesquieu created the checks and balances system which is in employment today at the U.S national government. Now while the enlightenment period had endless amount of characteristics ones the major ones are these. The simple yet powerful belief in people, more specifically in people's reason. Everyone has their own set of ideas, beliefs and point of view. The enlightenment period pushed the people to not automatically accept in things those in power said no matter how naturally and normal it seemed. Even if it was the church. Another quality was that they believed everyone should to their had a job to do contribute …show more content…

That same mindset translated over to politics, social philosophy and economy. That period is known as enlightenment. My personal connection to this period was arduous to find but it was so obvious. I have a deep passion for music and so does my family. From the time that memory form to now there's one thing at my house that has never vanished, a record player. My mothers since I was a child would play music there and even though now we don't use it as much. The physical beauty by itself keeps it in our living room. Now the individuals who created the record is Thomas Edison who also created the lightbulb and motion picture. Thomas Edison was greatly influenced by the Age of Enlightenment. There would be no great Thomas Edison if it was not for the the enlightenment. Now this might not seem like a big personal connection but it is. Music catalogs our memory and when I was child I listen to most of my music through that record player. Everytime I hear a song that has been played through the record player it brings back memories. Whether it be good or bad. What I'm trying to say is that the record player shaped my life. I never understood that. It is mind blowing but that record player shaped my life and it was invented because of the

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