
Scramble Of Africa Research Paper

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Going back to the 1860s, Africa was an unknown continent to many Europeans. Most Europeans only had colonies on the coastline, such as current day Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal etc. The only people to go into the interior of Africa was missionaries, reporters and traders. As people of Europe discover more about Africa, discoveries will begin the Scramble of Africa, an event in which very rapidly, Europe was able conquer most if not all of Africa. They did this with technological and medical advances, economic reasons, and the motivation of prestige and White Man’s Burden.
Physically, Europeans were more advanced in weapons and disease prevention. Making advances in medicine was very important because, malaria was a prevalent disease that killed many Europeans, discouraging colonies to be made in Africa. Now learning how to combat it was …show more content…

Already colonizing the New World, they wanted more land to show off so turning their eyes to Africa seem to be the best choice. Mostly Britain, could really utilize the resources given by Africa, most other countries just wanted land. Two prime examples are France and Germany who even though don’t benefit economically from the land, only wanted to have prestige to show they were powerful in some way by simply wanting the area. Another motivator was the idea of White Man’s Burden, defined as the,’ alleged duty for white colonizers to care for their nonwhite indigenous subjects.’ Even though with great intentions, it was a racist way to justify imperialism in Africa and other parts of the world.
Overall though, the Scramble for Africa was an event happened because superior European advances in technology and medicine, economic prosperity and the motivation to look good, and to help others to be as good as themselves. Putting down societies through indirect and direct control help submit dominance over the natives with almost no say in their

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