
Screen Time : The United States National Library Of Medicine

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According to the US National Library of Medicine many “American children spend about 3 hours a day watching television. Added together, all types of screen time can total 5 to 7 hours a day. In the crazy of our every day lives it is hard to stop and think about how much time we really spend looking at our phones, television, and computers. Growing up I always felt like I was raised half way between the way my parents were brought up and the new way of parenting; using an idea called screen time. Screen time is a term used to talk about kids who are being entertained by some type of screen. During family get together like Christmas and birthdays I noticed that many of my younger cousins were not interested in some of the family events that I thought was fun growing up. For instance, growing up my sister, my dad, my uncle’s and I would play football in my grand parent’s backyard; in-between cutting the cake or opening gifts, but now it seems like our traditions have shifted for the younger generations from playing out side to playing football on the Xbox. It may be no coincidence that our family has kind of slip the younger members of my family are no where as friendly with each other as the older members, and my sister and I feel like we are caught in the middle. My mom is the oldest on her side of the family so her brothers are just not having kids, and I noticed that they use screen time as a distraction or as a reward for just being a good person. One time during charismas

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