Researchers found that both sea otters and Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphins use tools in the wild. For the dolphins, they decided that tool use is in their mitochondrial DNA, and it is inherited. Because of this, researchers wanted to find if it is inherited in sea otters too. Scientists studied the diet, tool use, and DNA of 197 wild sea otters off of the California coast. They discovered that the tool using sea otters do not share a similar mitochondrial DNA, and they are not closely related. This lead them to believe that sea otters use tools because their ancestors had to use them, and sea otters now only use tools when it is necessary for food. This new discovery impacts animals and the scientific world because the behavior of tool
Manly Sea Eagles secured their place in the 2015 VB NSW Cup finals campaign by completely blowing the Wentworthville Magpies away 58-16.
The observations under the polarizing light microscopy of otter hair in water resulted that air bubbles that are trapped in the hollows between the fins or petals of the underhairs and in some areas where the guard hairs located. This may be another reason why the conductance of otter fur increases less than that of the snowshoe hare when placed in water as discussed in the article. Some significant finding were found and discussed of how river otters have waterproofed, smooth coats that act as insulation. A layer of fat sits below the smooth coat, providing the otters with added insulation. Another one is that both river and sea otters have less insulating fat and must rely on heir fur for thermal insulation. The use of air as thermal insulation is very efficient due to the fact of the thermal conductivity of air is only ten percent of fat and thirty percent of water. The discussion in class is relevant to this paper due to the some major points such as lipids, proteins, and DNA. The outer fur on river otters symbolized as fats or lipids in which the fats surrounding any area on their body as protection. River otters were discovered of cross-polarity due to staying in water for a long amount of time. This effected the environment by the change in the codon mutation of DNA of river otters. In conclusion to this experiment, when water enters the outer area of hydrophobic layer of oils, air bubbles are entangled between hairs and results a decrease of thermal conduction in the adaptation of river
Therefore, sea otters play an indirect, yet vital role in the preservation of kelp forests. This in turn protects kelp forests and other macroalgae, which would have otherwise been depleted due to grazing by sea urchins. “Where sea otters abound so do lush kelp forests, and where sea otters are absent the habitat is typically deforested by hyperabundant sea urchins” (Soulé et al 1240). The significance of this interaction can be wholly surmised only when the importance of kelp forests is understood. “Kelp forests are a source of food and habitat for dozens of other coastal species” (Soulé et al 1240). Innumerable coastal marine organisms thrive on kelp forests, enhancing biodiversity of the region. Therefore, to maintain the diversity and richness of coastal marine ecology, sea otters should be preserved, who indirectly lead to the preservation of kelps.
Sea Otter's are members of the weasel family can be found along the coast of North America. A sea otter spends most of its time in the water and the rest of time it comes to land to sleep. Sea Otter floats on its back to the land and sleeps like that also. They have webbed feet. Their fur keeps them warm and it doesn't shed. Sea Otter's is one of the smallest marine mammal. They have a large amount of different adaptations. These different adaptations help them survive in their marine environment. Their long whiskers help the, detect vibrations in water and sensitive forepaws. Their claws helps them groom themselves and capture their prey underwater. The male is bigger than the female. Sea Otters have a high metabolism they eat 25% of their weight in food each day . They are also known for eating a clam and a rock that has been gently caught from the ocean floor. The otters place the rock on their chest and constantly smash the shellfish against it until it breaks. Once its broken they eat it . They also like to eat crabs , squid , octopus, and fish.
The area of research that I have selected is the effects of overfishing in the Sea Otter ecosystem off the coast of California. The effects caused by the fishing pressure on the ecosystem will have different outcomes, depending on the strength and the types of relationships of the organisms present. (4) Red Abalone populations have declined drastically, to the point of the abalone fishery collapse. Several factors have led up to the collapse including Withering Syndrome, where the organism loses the ability to attach itself to rocks, making it more susceptible to predation, or the organism can eventually wither and starve to death. Sea Urchins and Red Abalone are a part of the same ecosystem, and are competitors of each other.(5) Both organisms graze on macroalgae and are a primary food source for Sea Otters. Sea Otters occurred from the North Pacific Rim down to Baja California, Mexico, but now only occur in small isolated patches (9) It is understood that Sea Otter presence can characterize community structure, where they can control and determine the size of Sea Urchin and Red Abalone populations. In the absence of Sea Otters, “Urchin Barrens” are created from the overgrazing of macroalgae by Sea Urchin. In these areas the ecosystem have changed dramatically, due to the overfishing, or in this case the over hunting, of Sea Otters causing a trophic cascade.(7)In some areas, Sea Otters have been reintroduced, in other areas they were never removed, and in others they
River Otters are a species found on 5 out of 7 continents in the world. They have short legs that allow them to swim, walk, groom, and manipulate their pray effectively. Generally, they are various shades of brown, but they have a darker dorsal, and a lighter ventral. Their head, eyes, ears, nose, and teeth are beneficial for them when hunting prey, and when being hunted. River Otters have unique characteristics, features, and lifestyles that allow them to be not only adorable, but important to many ecosystems.
The reading and the lecture give information to explain the reasons that lead to rapid decrease in the sea otter number. While the reading looks at the topic ffrom one perspective the reading challenged the idea illustrated in the reading passage.
The article claims that the population of the sea otter has declined because of pollution, pradators and, uneven pattern of ocean currents. On the other hand, the professor does not believe factors of why otters dissappered and opposes each reason.
A chestnut colored, furry blur races past you as you are paddling your boat in a North American lake. You wonder what it could be! It is a river otter. In this essay, I will be telling you about this interesting member of the weasel family.
The lecture and the article cover the decline in sea otters population in the recent few years. Two main theories arised to explain that rapid decline. Pollution is suggested as the main reason behind this decline by the author. However, the lecturer opposes that. He believes that Predation is the main cause.
Sea otters have been dieing at a high rate these past ten years. Scientists belive that bacteria is to blame, so it could infect our water aswell. Also, sea otters tell scientists a lot aboutother species in there enviroment, like fish, fish could be affected by otters leaving! As a matter of fact, sea otters are very smart sea mamels, if they want food, like clams, they can wedge the clams out of a tight spot, like rocks.
Sea otters (Enhydra lutris) are marine mammals capable of spending their entire lives in water. Being carnivorous in nature, they feed on sea urchins, crabs, fishes, mussels and clams. They are referred to as keystone species due to their profound impact on marine ecology. The interaction between sea otters, sea urchins and kelp forests has been studied as a model of the impact of predator-prey interaction on community ecology. Sea otters are keystone predators, whose presence has a far-reaching influence on the marine food web by affecting the population of sea urchins in particular, and kelp forests & other marine organisms in general. There has been a steep decline in sea otter populations due to water pollution and exploitation for
The bottlenose dolphin, genus Tursiops, is a cetacean renowned for its social intelligence, even being prescribed the status of non-human persons along with other intelligent species such as great apes. Both dolphins and primates share a number of attributes that have led to an evolutionary propensity for intelligence, including prolonged parental care, long lives, complex social bonds, and communicative cooperation (Reynolds et al., 2000). But unlike primates, dolphins lack opposable thumbs, as well as any sort of limb that is able to manipulate their environment capably. Dolphins evolved in an environment that is less affected by gravity and provides three-dimensional movement, but provides limited chemosensory and visual cues for orientation
Ever since Willa was younger she wanted her own otters. Those were her favorite animals. She loved them. For her seventh birthday, her parents got her two girl otters. She named them Snowflake and Rainbow. Every day she would hang out with them. Little did she know that they also had adventures of their own. While Willa was sleeping they would sneak out of their cage and go exploring outside. They would run down the streets and roll in the grass making sure they were back in their cage before she woke up every morning. One night they did not make it back in time. When Willa woke up, she screamed and her parents came running into her room. She quickly pointed to the empty cage. She quickly ran outside searching for them. On the other hand, Snowflake
An endangered species is a species that is most likely to become extinct in the future. Just like being listed under the Endangered Species Act, or any act or treaty, is beneficial because you are protected by the government by law, it also has some downfall to it. Being a species listed under these acts is going to make you the main target for hunting. There are many endangered species all around the world but if we have to pick an important one, it would be the Sea Otter. The Sea Otter is, what we call, a keystone species because it helps maintain balance in their ecosystem. Sea Otters can be on land but they mostly spend their time in the ocean, where they live off of sea urchins. Sea urchins reproduce quickly and they feed off of the kelp forest,