
Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling

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Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling
Barnegat which were written in 1966 and 1856 respectively are two classical poems describing vividly

How the poems I have studied explored nature and its effect.

Seamus Heaney’s Storm on the Island and Walt Whitman’s Patrolling
Barnegat which were written in 1966 and 1856 respectively are two classical poems describing vividly the horror and insecurity experienced by human’s during a wild storm. Storm on the Island and
Patrolling Barnegat have many similarities and differences, the similarities reside around each writer’s description of a storm but the differences are mainly due to the writer’s on personal attitude and approach to a storm and how they apply …show more content…

In contrast to this Whitman’s outlook to a storm is one that suggests that he wants the reader to be aware of the threatening and aggressive nature of a storm,

“Waves, air, midnight, their savagest trinity lashing”. In my opinion this line sums up everything about Whitman’s attitude to the storm. In spite of the fact that each poet’s feelings towards the storm are primarily different there are subtle similarities in their thoughts about the storm. From a personal standpoint I believe that there is a underlying feeling that both poets share, this is that they both accept and acknowledge that man cannot combat the power of nature and that all humans are condemned to the fact that all we can do is find the best means to adapt to natures elements.

With regards to the structure of each poem, Whitman’s Patrolling
Barnegat is a sonnet despite the fact that it doesn’t abide by all the rules associated with sonnets. Heaney’s Storm on the Island is a blank verse poem with 10 syllables in each line.

The tone and rhythm of each poem reflects the poet’s own personal preference on how they wished to write and construct their own poem, unsurprisingly the tone and rhythm of each poem is uniquely different.
The rhythm of Storm on the Island is one that flows steady in a controlled manner and the tone compliments this as it is written in a laid-back relaxed style. This relaxed tone gives me

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