
Seaworld: A Powerful Marine Mammals

Decent Essays

Killer whales are SeaWorld’s main attraction. The Shamu show is something children of all ages can enjoy over and over again. Watching these big powerful marine mammals soar in the air with such grace and easy. The magnificence of these mammals never cease to amaze mankind. Killer whales are the largest member of the dolphin family. SeaWorld has three parks in California, Texas, and Florida. SeaWorld is a billion-dollar corporation that will not spend the money to properly house these large mammals. These animals have been known to lash and kill in captivity. The mistreatment and cruelty of these orcas is unjust and needs to be stopped. “Can you imagine being in a small concrete enclosure for your life when you’re used to swimming …show more content…

Some of SeaWorld’s whales come from the wild. They heard them to a cove and take the calves away and let the rest go. These animals have an additional brain structure that humans don’t have. Killer whales not only have larger brains than humans, but they have a part of the brain that we don’t have, possessing an extra lobe of tissue that lies adjacent to their limbic system and neocortex. This lobe has something to do with thinking, of course, but also with the processing of emotions… killer whales may have a greater capacity for emotion. That is, they may experience the same emotions in a range and depth that are inaccessible to us. In addition, they may experience some emotions that are unknown to us. So taking orcas away from their young in the wild or captivity cause the mothers and calves to become depressed. They make loud noises to try to contact each other not knowing they are thousands of miles away. The lifespan of these mammals is similar to humans. Orcas in the wild have an average life expectancy of 30 to 50 years—their estimated maximum life span is 60 to 70 years for males and 80 to more than 100 for females. The median age of orcas in captivity is only 9. Many factors come into play when these whales are confined to close quarters. Also they usually travel up to 100 miles a day diving into the depths of the ocean and surfacing every five to ten minutes to retain oxygen in their

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