
Second Geneva Convention Essay

Decent Essays

In 1949 the second Geneva Conventions were composed as a response to World War II, and the Holocaust, which caused mass extermination and detention of civilians. The convention was erected in order to prevent future harm to civilians and act as a form of protection during times of armed conflict by outlining the norms of conduct for countries during war time. According to the Geneva Conventions all forms of torture and cruel and degrading treatment that cause severe pain and/or physical and mental suffering are illegal under international law. Additionally, states must act to ensure that any form of torture not previously mentioned or defined that causes humiliation, inhumane treatment, degradation, or punishment is not committed against the detainees. In order to safeguard the ideals of the conventions, it is required that all military personnel be educated in the laws enacted. In the prisons of Abu Ghraib and Bagram, the chain of command began to fail as requests for treatment …show more content…

Before the CIA became involved, the Military Intelligence sector within the prisons order the Military Police, who was there to protect the prisoners, to humiliate an degrade them. This was in direct violation of the rules of engagement. Once the CIA created the Torture Memo, which made it permissible to torture people in the name of global terror and justified torture against enemy combatants- a term Bush coined in order to justify war when he couldn’t prove involvement- during times of war. Also, the Office of Legal Council, created a way for the President to authorize the use of torture, in order to protect the homeland (Taxi to the Dark Side). By allowing for methods of torture to be used overseas, President Bush and John Yoo, allowed for the breaking of the Geneva

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