
Secondary Stakeholders : Primary Stakeholders

Decent Essays

Secondary Stakeholders:
1. California Residences
There are no regulations, in California, to dig wholes to reach the well for ground water. Many of the almond farmers did that, in order to meet the market demand, and because the government does not allow them to utilize the surface water. Farmers oftenly use endanger amount of pesticides for their crops. They impose the process, leads to jeopardize the water quality, particularly in California. As stated in Sustainable Almond Growing website, “high-profile concerns include the contamination of groundwater by nitrate (NO3) associated with fertilizer use, and the contamination of surface water by pesticides and sediment.”. This contaminated water is undrinkable (Park and Lurie, 2014) and very harmful for the residents that live nearby the field. As California residences, they can gather to conduct a protest to influence the government and or environmental group. Large group of residences can have a potential power to even shut down the almond business.

2. Bee Farmers
Bee farmers or beekeepers are really important as a bridge to expand the almond life. Almonds varieties are self incompatible, which means the pollen from one variety need to be fertilized with a different one. So that, beekeeper and almond farmers have the symbiosis mutualism relationship, they cannot go independent by themselves. Farmers need an average $290 million pollination services in each year, making them hire the hives from different countries (Modern

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