Elyssa, You are absolutely right; The Department of Homeland Security is there to prevent another terrorist attack within the United States. Jeremiah 31:10-11 Says “Hear the word of the LORD, O nations, and declare in the coastlands afar off, and say, "He who scattered Israel will gather him and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock." For the LORD has ransomed Jacob and redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he.” I view this verses as Homeland Security as the shepherd and we are the flock. Just as the shepherd, Homeland Security is there to protect us. We as Americans cannot give into terrorist because they thrive on intimidation. And there is no reason anyone should live in fear. I believe that there is a delicate
In response to what marked the United States forever, the September 11 attacks, the federal government procreated what is known as The Department of Homeland Security. The main responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security consisted of having to protect the territory of the United States and protectorates from and responding to terrorist attacks, man-made accidents, and natural disasters. In another words, the existence of the Department of Homeland Security is to ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards. Though many different government agencies see and define Homeland Security accordingly to their protocol, the National Strategy for the Department of Homeland Security was able to
The United States has developed a multitude of advancements to aid toward the prevention of another terrorist attack on U.S. soil. First and foremost, the United States government created the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). The DHS was created in lieu of the 9/11 terrorist attack. There are sixteen different agencies combined to make up what is known today as the DHS including, just to name a few, the Federal Emergency Management Agency; United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE); and The Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Each one has its role in keeping the U.S. a safer place.
When the topic of Homeland Security is introduced, the first thought that comes to mind is either 9/11 or the Transportation Security Administration, TSA for short. No matter the reference, most Americans know that Homeland Security has something to do with Terrorism. Until an actual attack occurs, or election season begins, the average person may never give any thought or credit to the Department of Homeland Security. Homeland Security goes far beyond terrorism and terrorism prevention. Homeland Security does not just encompass holding individuals up at airports for multiple hours to intentionally hinder passengers from catching their flight out of the Caribbean. Homeland Security is multiple levels of legislation; law and policy to prevent
Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is third largest Executive Department of the Federal Government charged with protecting the security of American homeland. Its primary mission is to prevent terrorist attacks within the United States, reducing vulnerability to terrorism and minimizing the damage from potential attacks and natural disasters. The DHS was created by President G.W. Bush in the aftermath of terrorist attacks on America in 2001. It is relatively new agency that continues to evolve in the 21st century. In my chosen topic I will perform research on the history and creation of Department of Homeland Security, identify 3 of the 22 agencies within the DHS and describe their responsibilities. The purpose of this paper is to define and give detailed information about Homeland Security in the United States. Exploration of this topic will enhance knowledge about DHS and help understand the responsibilities of the agencies.
“The struggle against international terrorism is different from any other war in our history. We will not triumph solely or even primarily through military might.” (National Strategy for Combating Terrorism, 2003) And so to combat this in the post 9/11 time, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was born. And as we have seen in the past event, DHS is needed more today than ever. But DHS was born out of not only necessity but also function.
When the attacks happened on September 11th, 2001, our nation has an obsession with having there own security measures, and taking steps to be prepared just in case of another tragic incident. Through this has caused leaders of our country to create a system that will allow civilians in our nation safety. Which is called Homeland Security. However Homeland Security was made to serve many purposes. And they include: overall increased reddyness , preferably for state of emergengy situations ,Have better transportation security personell to help transport cargo and people more efficiently and securely , Highten interior enforcement and patrol security to recreate the immigration processes, Change the way information is shared with partners, Improve
The Department of Homeland Security is responsible for securing our nation’s borders and transportation systems, they manage who and what enters our homeland and work to prevent the entry of terrorists and the instruments of terrorism. In addition, if it is really hard for the terrorist or the bad to enter the country. It will be extremely hard for them to attack the United States. Many suspicious terrorist groups and organizations are under a microscopic viewpoint from the group of Homeland Security because it is their job to help secure our borders, airports, seaports, and waterways. In the article it says, “Data suggest that, in the year after the attacks, agencies' participation in all of Stewart and Morris' homeland security activities was not high and statistically significant differences
Much has been discussed about homeland security and homeland defense regarding their differences and similarities, but regardless of how the two are related, the fact remains that they both serve the purpose of protecting and defending America, making our citizens safe, and to protect the integrity of our infrastructure, rendering our nation a safe place to live and build family traditions. The ultimate purpose of both Homeland Defense and Homeland Security is to protect, defend, and assist with the safety and security of the citizens of the United States. One purpose specifically caters to the protection of our citizens in land and the other focuses on the protection of citizens from overseas.
Homeland security can be seen as a loosely based term as it is still a relatively new area of the United States strategy. Since its creation, post September 11, 2001, there has been a plethora of additions and revisions. The homeland mission lies not only within a specific agency, but demands collected participation from U.S. agencies and foreign entities to remain strong, efficient and innovative. One can examine homeland security as having the responsibility of maintaining and protecting the United States by keeping focus within the U.S. while homeland defense is responsible for maintaining the U.S. by keeping focus outside the U.S. Homeland security and homeland defense are different, but both can assist each other in certain aspects. The following paragraphs will compose of accurate definitions regarding homeland security, homeland defense and in end will discuss an in depth summary of the critical infrastructure program. These mentioned areas each have a requirement to be treated as specific in nature in order to not sacrifice their specific definition.
“We have learned as a Nation that we must maintain a constant, capable, and vigilant posture to protect ourselves against new threats and evolving hazards. But we have also learned that vigilance and protection are not ends in and of themselves, but rather necessary tools in the service of our national purpose.”(Napolitano, 2010, p.iv) In the wake of the September 11th, 2001 attacks our nation has taken upon itself extreme vigilance to ensure the security and defense of the American people. The relationship between homeland security and homeland defense is one that is tightly knit. Each has a very distinct mission set but somewhere along the spectrum they cross over and mutually support each other in the best interest of the nation.
After the attacks on September 11, 2001, there were several changes that had to be made. Although the 9/11 attacks were a case of international terrorism, the new policies that were implemented would cover all forms of terrorism. On November 25, 2002, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was established. In the book Understanding Homeland Security, the author states, “although homeland security can certainly be significantly affected by threats originating from international sources (such as al-Qaeda), the concept of defending the homeland inside its borders is at the heart of homeland security” (Martin, 2017). Since operations of DHS began, it has continuously grown in size. Today, DHS has more than 200,000 employees and is the third largest federal agency. All of these employees are working diligently each day to help ensure the safety of the United States. There will still be cases of domestic terrorism, and from each one
Later, the federal, state, and local government responses to disasters such as Hurricane Katrina expanded the concept of homeland security to include significant disasters, major public health emergencies, and other events that threaten the United States, its economy, the rule of law, and government operations (2). Homeland security is the combination of law enforcement, immigration, disaster relief, and terrorist activities within the United States’ borders. This would be based on the local agencies and civilian departments to safeguard the people from any threat within while being assisted by the government. In some aspects of terror attacks, there will be a combination of both homeland security and homeland defense. 9/11 is the perfect example as homeland security was responding to the local disasters and threats while the homeland defense, military, was deploying to get to the root of the threats. This is essential to the way homeland security operates because this will stop the attack on the nation’s soil before it reaches the borders and local government agencies are required. The biggest issue with the homeland security aspect is that the
Within the areas of Homeland Security and Homeland Defense lie specific primary missions, tasks, duties, and responsibilities of each. The primary missions, tasks, duties, and responsibilities of Homeland Security and Defense include preventing terrorism and enhancing security, securing and managing our borders, and enforcing immigration laws. In addition to those missions, a new and evolving mission is that of cybersecurity. In the future, is the department ready to tackle these tasks? The department has done a great job at preventing an attack ever since the attacks of 9/11. What types of challenges are faced in the future? The tools that are needed are there, it all depends on how the department moves forward and implements these actions.
By breaking down the two key words, security and defense, you find how each of these items are married together. Security and defense are to very similar words, one you are securing a given item and the other you are defending. So, wouldn’t you think that homeland defense and homeland security would be the same? You would, but they are not. Homeland defense is the of its self is the infrastructure used to defend us against any sort of external threat. Whereas Homeland Security is the strategy that is used with to combat these sort of things. It goes without saying that the primary mission of homeland security and defense, is to protect the citizens of the United States of America. Within the mission is the tasks, and each individual department has its own specific task. Now, with the specific task comes specific duties, responsibilities, and operations. From personal experience, most operations of within the homeland security/defense real are in some way, shape, or form joint operations. Now each individual knows their specific tasks, duty, and responsibility. Take for example the current situation in New York City and Elizabeth, New Jersey, you have on the ground investigating, the local law enforcement agencies, the ATF, the FBI, and Homeland Security agents. Each agency has their own job and their own input on what needs to be done while on scene. Here is simple breakdown of those task, the local law enforcement agents are first own the scene. They are going to
Homeland security and homeland defense both have separate missions and responsibilities that fall to them. Homeland security is tasked with ensuring our nations borders are secure to include immigration, disaster relief, and preventing future terrorist attacks. “The mission of the Department of Defense is to provide the military forces needed to deter war and to protect the security of our country” (About the Department of Defense (DoD)). They may both have separate primary missions, yet they still coordinate and work with one another in the event of an attack on U.S. soil. They must continue to